🚪🏃 eskaep-codes' HTML [up 9/08/23]

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago (Edited 10 months, 10 hours ago) by eskaep-codes


Hello! My name is Es and I like to code as a pastime (:
I don't have much knowledge in HTML or CSS (especially CSS lol) but I like to learn and share the layouts I've made ^^

Please read my rules / terms of service before using any of my codes!


  • Please do not remove the credit. You can move them as long as they remain visible.
  • Feel free to take parts and frankenstein any of my codes with another, as long as the other coder allows for it.
  • Turn off WYSIWYG in your display settings.
    My codes aren't WYSIWYG-friendly and will break when used with it.
  • This is optional, but please favorite or comment if you plan to / have used my codes!
  • I very rarely check my coding account, so I can no longer provide any help for my layouts. Please direct any question you may have to the Coding Help Thread!



Your codes are magnificent !! ‘Really love looking at this wonderful codes of yours <33


LOVE these codes! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm using the user card code right now and it looks fantastic


using your congratulations code on my guy akio right now and it looks so neat!


[WIP] Arknights operator

A new code in progress! It's an Arknights themed code, something which I've been wanting to create for awhile :DD


Hello! I hope I'm not a bother, but i have a question about one of your codes!

I'm currently using your code 'comprehensive' for a character, and I'm a bit confused about one of the bits. On the second tab / biology section, there is a section for "THREESIZE". I tried googling what this was, but i couldn't seem to find anything even after asking some friends. I was wondering if you could either elaborate or point me in the right direction of figuring out what it is. Thank you!

( code link - https://toyhou.se/10822325.-f2u-comprehensive)



Hello! It's not a bother at all! The three size measurement refers to the circumferences of the bust, waist and hips; usually rendered as xx–yy–zz in inches, or centimeters. For more detailed information, you can check it on the wikipedia page here.
I hope this helps you!



using Clean here! thank you for sharing your codes!


[F2U] Directory

New directory code!


omg i missed your response but thank you so much! That helps a ton, and now I also understand why I couldn't find anything online- I thought it was one word lmao

Thank you again!


love these codes! using some :3c


Love your codes!! Does anyone have the trope wiki link saved? :'0


Using the Directory code. Your codes are really great!


i used one of your codes for this character!! and it's literally my favorite th profile i ever made so far i couldn't be happier with the result ^^,  i made some changes on the images, but i love it!! tysm for making this! 


im using these codes, theyre so pretty