✨ sonne's codes

Posted 11 months, 3 days ago (Edited 7 months, 16 hours ago) by yaboisonne
sonne's codes !!

Hello! My name's Sonne and welcome to my coding thread!! \o/ I have some freebies, I have some P2U codes, and I have stuff set up for donators - with more stuff to come !

I am currently NOT open for customs commissions!

Also, if you're using any of my codes, please do comment! I'd like to see what you've done with it :D

Quick Links

all codes:

terms of use for my codes:

coding commissions:

support me:

newest codes !!

orinj - bundle (P2U)


nvnzz (F2U)


your love (déjà vu) - bundle (P2U)


some personal projects !!


> specific code made for dizzies closed species; ash was a prototype of said species

see it here


> adjusted version of apparition, with some inspiration from sharkadelic's virtuoso code

see it here


> code made in collaboration with character's creator
> image-centic
> includes buttons for different aspects of character description

see it here


> mobile-friendly
> layout with a lot of space for character information
> has its own personal CSS ♥

see it here


> code includes images that are "out of bounds"
> not mobile-friendly
> includes sections with and without buttons for additional content

see it here


> mirrored couples' code
> mobile friendly-ish. due to amount of customizations, it is not as pretty on mobile, but all content is readable.
> includes tabs for basics, story and visuals.

art comms

> code for art commissions
> mobile friendly
> includes carousels for showing examples of available commissions


> HTML-only
> custom colors
> mobile-friendly
> made based on creator's mockup
> includes tabs for additional content

see it here


> HTML-only
> custom colors
> mobile-friendly
> small and interactive, meant to be reminiscent of a game dialogue more than a profile

see it here


> HTML and CSS
> custom colors
> mobile-friendly
> a profile template designed for characters in my story - the MC and the seven sins

see it here

new thread because i accidentally ran my previous thru wizzywig and i cannot edit it anymore OTL


subscribe 2 my ko-fi !!!!!!

donators get like a bunch of codes for free. and higher tiers get a discount on all codes <3

https://ko-fi.com/Post/new-codes-AUGUST-H2H0OO3D3 <--- newest codes r available here..................... they Will become P2U in a month,.,







hi!! do you take art as payment? im tight on money currently, im sorry if this is annoying question!!  </3
my recent art exsamples!!
i also have a shop that shows what I offer aswell!

i can also offer characters !!

i could maybe offer half in art half in money maybe? it depends on the price !!


butterkilk i do have a trade thread open here! i have a list of characters i want art of and accept if someone has a style i feel would fit any of them :3c i feel yours would really fit div :D

i usually do only minimal or simple codes - however, if the code's complex, i'd be down for half-half of money/art o o)b
my commissions page has examples of what i mean when i say each type - but you can just shoot me a DM here or on discord (i'm also sonneambedo there) and we can work from there ^ ^)b


There all look really cool!


Zanhhh thank you :D !!