Location-specific lore

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by Gakipper


In this part, we will give a simple insight in some cultures of Draudan. Some very isolated places are very different in comparison to their region’s main culture.

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◼ Aswainian Lore → //Tuaregs and Middle-East

Desan is a mostly arid region. Most of the territory is covered in deserts or hot steppes. This harsh environment led to the very fast development of nomadic tribes, wandering in the desert to fulfill their needs. On the other hand, wherever a large oasis has been spotted, cities have been built. For this exact reason, and despite their relative aridity, the coasts are known for much more sedentary lifestyles.

A. The nomadic lifestyle

Most of Desan demographics are nomadic tribes.

Most of these tribes are organized in several political associations, under the authority of one leader. Within these political associations are several tribes, and each of these tribes has one leader as well.
The society is hierarchized with different classes of people: The nobles, the vassals, and the craftsmen.

Nomads usually wear long clothes made of cotton. A turban is often used as well, as it protects them from the sun, wind, rain, sand or cold.
If they wish, most young adults (regardless of their gender)  are invited to wear a veil on their face: it’s thought to be a proof of humility, as well as a good way to repel Evils. They are allowed not to wear a veil, but it’s frowned upon. Most people wish to wear it anyway.

B. The sedentary lifestyle
The coasts of Desan, however, have a lot more cities, and proofs of sedentary life in general. These cities are known for their beautiful architecture. These cities, because of all the people they bring around and thanks to rich trade business, are quite wealthy.

The capital especially, Habuk, is known for its beautiful marketplace: Not only can you find the rarest goods there, but it’s also an incredible experience to wander around the colorful stands, in a lively place full of people of all backgrounds.

Far away from the capital, far North, the climate changes and becomes a lot more friendly for most people. You can find some grasslands and forests, where most the agriculture of the country takes place. Even though it’s very small in comparison to the rest of the country, the area is very fertile.

Despite an environment much less harsh to its people than the desert that makes up most of the country, the deep rainforest that stands between Desan and Aspil remains mostly unexplored: it’s incredibly thick and hard to navigate, and truly only goblins seem to enjoy it as a home.

◼ Aspilian Lore

Aspil has the most reliefs out of all the countries of Draudan. The most massive mountain range of the whole country, even though it’s probably not the most impressive, takes up all the core of the country. For this reason, there are quite a few mines in the area. Dwarves usually enjoy this country the best.

The West Coast has quite a few cities and mines popping out of the grasslands and reliefs. However, the East part of the country is covered in thick rainforest, making it mostly unexploited.

◼ Yangan Lore → //Europe and Eastern Asia

Yangan has the coldest area with people living in of all Draudan. However, let’s not forget the Northern parts of the country are arid.

It’s not rare for Desanian nomadic tribes to wander in Yanguk, following the flow of the desert line. They don’t have much concurrence here anyway: no one but them lives in this desert.

Yanguk is a rather poor country, mostly in comparison to its neighbors. The lands aren’t that fertile, and the country doesn’t enjoy a trade business as important as Desan’s one.

Strangely enough, most towns are concentrated in the Southern part of the country, where it’s the coldest. 

◼ Ocrenian Lore → //Ancient Greece

Ocren is quite the specific state, as it’s been founded in an underwater city-state by the merfolks for political purposes.

The city of Ocren is said to be incredibly beautiful, with marble columns and beautiful white buildings, golden linings and rich decorations.

There’s a strong culture of the riches in Ocren: Showing off your wealth is well seen, if not mandatory. Not everyone can live in the same constant luxury as the King, but being open about what you have is important. Pieces of jewelry, fine clothes, but also exotic pets and even servants, are deeply rooted in the Ocrenians’ lifestyle.

◼ Yashanian Lore

Yashana is the second largest country of Draudan. Nearly all climates can be found within its borders: making it an incredibly diverse and cosmopolitan country.

A. Grasslands and forests
All kind of aesthetics can be found in architecture and culture-wise. Since the North part of the country has the most fertile soils, most things around these parts are focused around agriculture.

In the richest regions, patterns, and accessories linked to agriculture, nature… Are popular even among the poorer classes of society.
Plain clothes are usually more common among the people though.

B. Savannah and deserts
These make up a huge part of the country. Once again, because of how vast the region is, all kind of aesthetics can be found there.

Huts are fairly common in rural villages of the savannah - But vary all the way in shape, size, and style from a place to another.

The desert isn’t the best environment for a settled-down life, therefore and much like in Desan, people living there prefer a nomadic lifestyle.
The main ethnic group living in the Yashanian desert often have to “share” their vast territory with the Desanian nomads passing by.

C. Tropical rainforest
Unlike the Desadian-Aspilian rainforest, the Yashanian one is known to have many inhabitants. As it’s not as dense and thick as the former, many more people managed to get inside and build towns and cities even !! 

◼ Iacladian Lore → //Tasmania

Iaclad has been conquered by some Aswanian people long, long ago. The little island was supposed to be a fertile environment, a good source of resources and goods. However, put aside a really nice stopover, it hasn’t been exploited as intensely as it was intended to be if at all.

A. Aboriginal people
The aboriginal Iacladian were organized in several clans, living a nomadic lifestyle through the island. They had well planned migrational patterns, according to their need, the season, and the patterns of other clans.

They had complex mythology, that would vary from a clan to another, but with strong common bases anyway: Several gods, children of the Sun and Moon, created Iaclad and its inhabitants from the soil. Non-animal creatures (humans, etc…) just come from animals that a god redesigned to make their life more comfortable.

The aboriginal people often had animistic regard on most forms of life on their island: Certain trees and certain animals were thought to have a soul. Often so, these spirits lost in a plane of existence that isn’t their native one would be malevolent.

Aboriginal people didn’t disappear when the colonist arrived, but their population drastically decreased (due to diseases and man-hunts). Ultimately, the aboriginal people won the war that was led against them and their homeland but made peace pacts with the Aswainians.

While some of them kept their nomadic lifestyle, some others started settling down more with the lifestyle Aswainian brought along.

B. Colonists
A shift of politics during the war on aboriginal people, as well as their fierce defense and the peace pacts they formed, led the Aswainian colonists to change their insight on Iaclad’s situation. Eventually, a common ground of cultural mix has been found.

Aswainian colonists integrated some cultural aspects of the aboriginal people’s way of life. The architecture and general mindset of the population show it.

◼ Spacian Lore → //Hispanic countries

Spacia is one of the richest countries in Draudan. A good half of the territory is rather arid with deserts, hot steppes, and savannas, but the rest of it is incredibly fertile, and many people come around. Spacia is one of the first migrant accepting countries of the map.
All kind of culture is found within the borders of the country, although not in the same variety range as Yashana. Even the part of the territory that enjoys a more continental climate leans more on the hotter side.

Religion plays an important role and the country has linked politics and church.

◼ Aswainian Lore

Aswain is the largest country of Draudan. Much like Yashana, it has a wide climatic range and cosmopolitan population. It has very fertile soil wherever the climate is friendly enough, though a good part of the country is arid with savannas, and hot/cold deserts. The cultivable surface remains important.

Aswain is historically one of the richest, most powerful countries of Draudan. Nomadic tribes aren’t nearly as common as in other parts of the map, as the wealth of most lords and people allow them to build for a very sedentary life.

Half-timbering buildings are fairly common in most Northern part of the country, even though most kinds of architecture exist within its border. It’s the easiest to find large cities in Aswain, and they are often very lively.