
Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by Gakipper


Many religions exist, spread through the whole map, but two of them are of most importance and have the largest demographics: the cult Of Yna and the Church of cycles.

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◼ The Cult of Yna

The cult of Yna is a monotheist religion praising the Goddess Yna, creator of the universe. It’s a simple, approachable cult, based on goodwill and love for each other.

In this cult, it’s thought that good people will be rewarded for their deeds in the afterlife, reaching a paradise in which they can spend eternity with all the comfort they need. On the other hand, someone who did nothing but wrong others in their life would be sent in hell for punishment.

The limit between “good people” and “bad people” can be blurry, uncertain, but priests have made their job to help people fix their deeds and to understand where to draw the line. It’s said that someone working hard and faithfully to fix their bad deeds can sometimes access to heaven. The whole cult, therefore, focuses on its churchgoer being as good as possible as people and improving themselves.

Yna’s Rules
1. You will not use my name for Evils, and those who do will be punished.
2. You will not kill.
3. You will not use and abuse of the trust I and the people have put on you.
4. You will not put anyone in misery.
5. You will not let Evils manipulate you, and you will not give in to its temptations.
6. If you fail to follow any of these orders, you will use your faith and all your strength to fix your deeds and welcome back my light into your soul.

Despite its fairly positive foundations, there are many downward slides to the cult of Yna. People’s interpretation of the sacred texts is often twisted. The cult is often used as a mean of oppression for minorities that are thought to be “deviant”. Usually in a vicious way, where it tries to “fix them”. However, this is not an absolute truth, and many people practicing their faith don’t fall under the “unintentionally oppressive” category. It’s simply good to mention it exists.

Nota bene: The politic of Spacia is inherently linked to the cult of Yna, as the church and the state are officially linked together.

◼ The Church of cycles

The Church of cycles is a polytheist religion in which Camemis and Tudis are the two main gods. Camemis is the Sun Goddess and Tudis is the Moon God, and their union created Draudan.

However, after this union, the two gods became unable to coexist in the same moment. They created the first cycle: When the day dies, the night is born, and when the night dies, the day is reborn.
Dawn and twilight are, therefore, as the only short moments in which both essences can somehow stay together, the most powerful times of the day and night. All religious meetings and prayers will take place at these times.

The day-night cycle is what everything is based upon, and led to other cycles. In this cult, it’s thought that everything revolves around cycles and flux.

The sacred texts, as scarce as they are, explain clearly that life is a cycle as well, and that people after they die, get reincarnated as a new living being. According to your deeds in your past life, you’d either be reincarnated into a new sentient being (if you need to improve) or as an unsentient one (if you’ve been a spiritually elevated, good person).

◼ Other religions

There are many, many more religions taking place in Draudan. They are not as important as the Cult of Yna and the Church of Cycles in demographics but remain an important part of the map's culture. Spirituality and Faith are deeply rooted in every population of the different countries of the world and exist in a wide range of variations.