Re: Picrew + Changelog + Upcoming Server Move

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by admin

Regarding Picrew Icons

Due to the increase in Picrew icons which are being used in violation of the permissions of the original artist, this is a reminder of the following:

  • We do not permit sale or trade of dollmaker or character-generator designs unless you have explicit permission from the original artist or dollmaker permitting commercial usage (or otherwise giving permission for produced designs to be sold or traded). 
    • The majority of Picrew generators do not permit commercial use or redistribution. If you are unable to understand a dollmaker's permissions because they are in a language you do not understand, or because they are not listed, please assume that commercial usage is not permitted.
  • All dollmaker-generated artwork must have explicit credits linking back to the dollmaker. This means: a direct, working, accurate link back to the specific dollmaker. Please do not just credit "Picrew". 
  • After verifying that the dollmaker permits sale and trade, please ensure that all users you sell to are informed and aware that the design you are selling was produced on a dollmaker. If you are reported for selling dollmaker designs while passing them off as original artwork (or even just not making it 100% clear that these are dollmaker-made designs), you will be held responsible for reimbursing these transactions, otherwise it will be filed as a case of scamming.


I'm going to have a go at keeping a Changelog instead for minor site changes, which will hopefully be easier to keep track of and less obtrusive than announcements. 

Server Move

Apologies for the poor site performance over the past week! I've tried to patch out the worst of the lag issues, but since the site's growing, we've purchased a new server which should be able to handle increased traffic and peak hours better. I'm currently in contact with our host regarding the move, but the server doesn't look like it'll be ready until next week - I'll be making another announcement later this week with further information regarding any maintenance once we have it ready to go.