Ticket stand RETIRED

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago (Edited 2 years, 6 months ago) by Martini AcaciaSight


SPLASH!!! Mud flies all over the stand and a multi-colored nayokadoren smiles from behind it. It seems like he might be dropping stuff behind there, good thing you didnt get any mud on you.

"I have tickets for sale! they are only a little dirty," Martini says sheepishly.

-All ticket sales are final.

-Purchases are made through Paypal and Naytokens only.

-If you have receivedĀ a discount card from Dageraron, please enter the code with your request of purchase.
-Tickets for MYO start at $10USD/1000Naytoken. Each uncommon appendage cost an extra 50c/50Naytoken, Each Rare Appendage cost an extra 1USD/100Naytoken, Each Legendary appendage cost an extra 1.50USD/150Naytoken

-Breeding tickets are now $5USD/500 Naytoken and produce one offspring only.

-Ticket type:(Breeding or MYO)
-If MYO please specify what tier (Each ticket starts with only common traits and the free oddities. If you want uncommon, rare, and legendary appendages they cost an extra fee.)

-Payment type(Paypal or Naytoken)