Quick Fav for Fav?

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago (Edited 3 years, 10 months ago) by StarTracer

There's nothing that makes me happier than seeing my characters get favs and I love checking out other people's characters. I'd love if you could visit my TH and fav anyone of interest. 

I'm especially looking for favs on this group: https://toyhou.se/StarTracer/characters/tagged:fave%20me/folder:all and of all of them, Angela, Tatiana and Atticus are looking for favs most of all.

I'll return as many favs as you give me of course and maybe even more if I love more of your characters. <3

I'm online pretty much all day so expect return favs in a few hours of faving my characters. Please let me know if you'd like favs on specific characters and I'll give them some love! Thanks for looking! :D


Faved! You have a lot of amazing ocs! :O

Feel free to like anyone that interests you ^_^



You have so many cuties, gave you some favs! <3



Faved some of your lovelies! Yuliel is precious!



Thanks! Gave ya some favs back! <3


Come 1x1  >; 3

Catherine Kawarumi

Faved some, woud love to get one for this baby c: 


Your ocs are INCREDIBLE oh my god.  <33 I adored the two I faved, their designs are mmm.

You do not have to fave any of mine if you dont find any you're a fan of! Don't feel pressured.


Returned faves for everyone! thank you all so much! <3


Faves returned! <3


Faved some! :D Could you do Kozakura, Katsu, and Kiyumi?