Share abt OCs with black/very dark brown eyes! :D

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 2 years, 5 months ago) by astraeons

So, dark brown eyes! I'm talking dark, so dark they almost appear black. I just think they're neat—and often underappreciated. Personally, it's refreshing to see characters with natural dark eye colors (especially protagonists and/or in fantasy stories). So please, show me yours! Tell me about who they are, what you love about them, etc! I wanna see them all. 

My characters Faela and Ryven have black eyes! They're also the main characters of my story and I love them with all my heart :D

Faela is determined, well-intentioned, yet naive and prone to hubris. Her ability to manipulate a special type of energy makes her a force to be reckoned with. She's also a lil gremlin though, and doesn't always use this power responsibly. (But don't worry, she's a wholesome bean... most of the time.)



In contrast, her brother Ryven is known to be serious and reserved. To most, he comes across as distant, but it's mostly just a front to hide any vulnerability. He does have a friendlier side that not many people try to get to know. (and for a main character, I really don't draw him enough oops :/)



I have a few others, but their profiles are still a WIP. But that's enough about me—I'd love to hear about your characters!

Yefen SapphireBatWings

Yefen has them :)

Mortem Ardonis KilljoyLights

Mortem's sighted eye is a blackish color. 

Shelby Moonlit-Mask

Shelby's got those beady little snail eyes!

Brandy Somnium TheTwistedReality

Usually when I give a character an eye colour, I try to have some kind of meaning behind it. Since they say that the eyes are the windows into the soul, Brandy's eyes are tar black. His defining trait is his selfish nature, he is willing to sacrifice his wife, children, reputation and legacy just for the chance to see the next day, regardless of how much that day is not worth living.


Davey’s eyes are very dark brown— it actually looks black from afar.

Shadow, The Heroic Underdog InvaderAlien

Shadow just has pure black eyes xD

He actually used to have normal looking eyes that were red, until a certain incident happened :p

Strawberry Feufeu

She have white pupils, but still

 Nico jukeboxes

I think I tend to give a lot of my OCs brown eyes (which is funny because mine are hazel) but not many of them have super dark eyes! I'd say that Nico fits this bill, though. He deserves some more appreciation.

 Whitecrow Doresuaan

Whitecrow counts? They eyes are a very dark brown :'>

Alexandr Wadia computerdarling

Me. I’m the dark brown eye character  

Alexandr has dark brown eyes! He’s a collab character with my Indian friend so he’s pretty special in that regard as well

Alexander Cactus-Zombie

Alexander has black eyes, He's an alien biologist with six adopted kids. 

Guangzhou NinjaNightCrawler

this boy here-

A dorky dragon obsess who's an enthusiast for making dragon costumes (no matter how bad they look)