Ship Two Characters of the Person Above You

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by ChibiMangoFloof

Edit: New Rule! No incest or large age gaps!

For this game, you have to choose two characters from the person above you, and ship them.  


Example of post -


Ship name is Owo

(Then either state why it works, or if it's just to be random, say "Crack Ship!")


Ship two of my characters to start off!


ShaymeeReposeMothy Cindy and Cake Batter ~u~

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@Acidika Eleanor and Petra would look nice together ! It would be the impossible love between a human and a god//



Blanche and Diffeh~



Pastel spear and the unnamed purple/white unicorn. 



I was going to say Devin and Robin would look cute based on their picture, but I see there's already art of them together! So I'm going to go with Maximilian and Mera, instead!


Ikayuro i really kind of like the idea of aerodonis and ameadite? even tho i see ameadite isn't interested in a relationship... but just because they're both merfolk and they both have reds/pinks in their palettes. lots of flowy pretty hair too ;v;


I know I just posted, but it's been four days--


Aaaah, you have a lot of cute babies! But right away, I saw Ayu and Babette, and I thought they'd be super cute together! ' v'


 Purely aesthetically, Alistar and Ezriel would look cute !

OC's from here please!

edit: Well, they are both cute and freckled ha ha, I like it



Jutta I'm not sure why, but I feel like Arlo and Bradley would go well together~

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@Acidika Maybe Proxi and Seraphina? They look like they'll cause a lot of trouble together ^^



idk, Cyrienne & Ghost? something something mentors, crack ship. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯