What animal do you see in OC above you?

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Alden staria

this was probably done before. if so i guess bummer?

but respond with what kind of animal you feel best describes/resembles/reminds you of the OC above you ("best describes" being based on whatever you want to apply it to)

let's be more clear. it does NOT have to be an animal based on what the OC is or looks like. that'd be rather boring??? you can base it off whatever: personality, likes, dislikes, etc. let's say Alden, my OC, as a lion because of his hair color? even though he's a cat.


Levey - wolf because of his tail??

next person can pick an animal for my OC displayed in my post.

Vardah Lasout Lonestarcelt


I see a great horned owl in Alastor

Namely due to them both having those little top tufts of hair and feathers respectively 

Alastair Lacroix Alastair

Not sure why, but I'm getting a bit of a swan vibe from Vardah.

Blaise Cristol Necronomeow

"Oh my... What do I see... Maybe... Baphomet. The great horned sheep."

Boots/Queen Jutta

Ok besides Tiger, I saw

Lamb and tiger swallow tail butterfly 

Alua etola

I can see a lioness before even before I clicked her profile ww 


"For some reason, I see a Sea Lion pup~" 


I see a small mouse 'v'

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 ♤ Lucas Trolluminati

Something like a bunny

❁❂Clement❂❁ jetsetspy

"You seem much like a dragonfly to me."

Serin Databuffer

 I see a poison dart frog

★ Atlas Oneiroi

For some reason I'm reminded of a peregrine falcon. 

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Chrys Jutta

For Atlas I got Golden Eagle vibes



Kjell timeGrenade

might be obvious, but this cutie is totally a domestic cat !!