What job do you think the OC above has?

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by  Aster unused-account

Wooo, another game! Here we go!

The title says all. You have to guess what job the character above you has without looking at their profiles!

I'll start off with Aster here!

vvvv I'm crying that's great

but she's actually a boxer! It's because she gets to punch strangers and get paid for it tbh


Ryhs etola

Errgh he's hard to guess www
I think, something like tactician????

 Kale is_an_astronaut

Might be a generic answer but i'm feeling clothing catalog model.

Not a bad guess i definitely see it. Uniforms like these tend to be pretty samey.


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The coat makes me want to say scientist or doctor!

"O-oh jeez, I can't handle kids" //sweats

She's a biology major in college ;;v;;


Hachirou Jdphobe

They seem like they'd be a teacher! Especially the turtleneck sweater gives off that sorta look

 Amlet ickei

I get the impression that Hachirou would be a live artist model

 Sally Shore Greengrass

From Hamlet's icon, I get a butler vibe!

Correct! She's a sailor who mans her own boat!


A sailor? I see a little anchor on her hat ;;v;;


She's the head of a fashion company, close!

and you are very correct

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 No name Trolluminati

If he isn't a warrior then he's a prince


You're....Right. A chemist to be more specific

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 Gloria Oneiroi

Plague doctor came to mind immediately but maybe they're also involved in the medical black market? Selling illegal organs and medicines/poisons perhaps?


Healer is sorta right! She's a phoenix and more of a spirit than anything but she will heal the needy traveler or injured animal when she encounters them.

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He looks like the boss of...something. Not sure what?

♢ Semyon Trolluminati

Some kind of warrior / fighter

