LF : Character links! (REVAMPED!)

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 1 month ago) by . Jasper Tobias šŸ . mrjuice

Updated: April 16th, 2023 revamped....again

41110031_QAyFr31j7lpqBux.gifHi!!! Iā€™ve recently revamped a lot of characters profiles and I took off a lot of links as well!! Soā€¦. I NEED NEW CHARACTER LINKS AND RELATIONSHIPS mostly for this asshole but feel free to look throughout my th!

Feel free to suggest different types of relationships (enemies, friends, lovers (though Jasper isn't know to actually love anybody happen to flirt with a lot of people...), etc!!)Ā 

Notes :

Ā  Ā Some of my characters tend to be a bit mean and brutal

Ā  Ā I am a minor! Just incase you don;'t want to be interacting with anyone who isn't an adult

Ā  Ā I will draw them (maybe) I tend to get attached to certain characters which results in me drawing them, quite a bit

Ā  Ā Also up for roleplaying! I only rp with people who write 2-5 paragraphs so just a beware I like to go into detail

Ā  Ā Keep in mind the characters ages!

If I donā€™t respond to you that means iā€™m uninterested! no hard feelings but this will usually be because itā€™s either a picrew made character with no extra art or if they donā€™t have any bio!!

characters I need relations for:

these are brief descriptions: check on their profile for more!

  • https://toyhou.se/13032711.-christopher-manning-Ā 
  • Christopher Manning is one strange man. He does not often talk to anyone and usually only responds to any conversation with grunts or sighs. This man doesn't engage with most people. Often being considered an outsider even with the most strange people.
    Christopher is something you consider to be a 'were-bear'. Ā Don't know what that is? Take a werewolf for example. I believe in you to connect the dots. He doesn't only 'bear out' during full moons, it deeply depends on his emotions. Often getting blinded by rage he can transform into what he considers to be a monster. You may consider it to be a monster AND a killing machine. When he's in his form you wouldn't even be able to tell that he was once a human. He'll look just like any other bear, attacking to survive.Ā 

  • Doc Clayton, the mad scientist with a knack for experimenting with body parts, with him itā€™s always a gore galore! Heā€™s awfully mischievous and mostly welcoming, but be warned when shaking his hand because he just might take it!

  • Ā Some pyscho and (quite frankly) crazy ginger. No one truly knows, or wants to know, what's happening in Jasper's mind. He's an insane and delusional person, not caring for any one but himself. Jasper has learned that in this world it is kill, or to be killed. This man is scary. He carries a creepy smile, a voice that sounds as if it's the devil talking himself, and walks as if he owns the world. Jasper would gladly watch the world burn.
    He loves pulling pranks and messing with people he doesn't like, which is everyone. He doesn't truly like anyone, he can barely tolerate most people. He doesn't take shit from anyone, usually ending in people either crying or beaten the fuck out of if he hears someone talk shit about him. He bites, claws, stabs, shoots, and does anything to people if he finds fit. He doesn't feel merciful to anyone, beg all you want but if Jasper sees you as a target. Good luck.
    Ā  Ā He's quick and sly, not caring weather he gets caught or not. Even if it doesn't seem like it he thinks through some things. He's an amazing plan maker, in which the plans usually succeed in one way or another. He never works with anyone, because he doesn't like to. He doesn't like hearing other's opinions or hearing someone's beliefs as he usually thinks that he's always in the right no matter what. He hates hearing people say stuff about him that is correct, but correct in a bad way.Ā 

  • Ā  Ā They are one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. Sure, they may joke around a bit and make fun of you from time to time but they never truly mean it and will immediately shut up if you show any sign of being uncomfortable with their jokes. Sam is an intelligent person who loves bonding with the world around them, let that be interacting with new people or helping ducks cross the road Sam is always trying to make the world a better place.

Pleeeease Pill and Jasper gotta be frenemies ToTĀ  Or my nerdy man IC



Ofc! :) AH I think we did link them once and I accidentally took it off my bad!! feel free to send a request!


Lmfao it's ok. I'll link Pill once more. What does Jasper think of science men XD



It really depends on the guy! but really any scientist is a no go for him mostly because of his background!


Oh, Laurence just computer science.



I've yet to code his page but I think a romantic relationship between these two would be interesting ;00


Harlow is was cursed by an ex-lover to have hydrangeas grow and feed off of his body. He's a calm, sophisticated man and very much the opposite of Jasper and I think any type of relationship (even a platonic one) would be interested- I'm thinking an enemies to lovers thing would be pretty neat? It maybe starts with Jasper being all flirty with him and Harlow being all "you are the most disgusting thing I've ever met" and their relationship blossoms from there-

I'm terrible at explaining things so if you'd like me to evaluate on anything just tell me lmaO



OH yeah he'd be totally chill with that!!





THANK YOU!!! AND I TOTALLY LOVE THAT IDEA!!!!! omg thats like perfect Harlow if the exact type of person jasper would try to piss off by flirting!!! do feel free to link them!!

 Ampha Wattana chrromie

ampha and amets need some links i think :0

. Jasper Tobias šŸ . mrjuice

BUMP! :)

Tannin Oxyhocin

I wonder how Tannin and Jasper would get along šŸ‘€

Tannin would view Jasper as a toy or, rather, a good tool, so thereā€™s a sense of fondness, however warped that may be. The latter causes chaos and destruction while the former follows, reaping the benefits as they silently slink after the man like a shitty, slimy shadow. They wouldnā€™t do anything to harm him per say but they wouldnā€™t really help him either. The fact that Jasper is so much of a (psychological) mess is what attracts them to him in the first place; theyā€™d feel right at home in the depths of his psyche!

Side note, Tannin would probably refer to Jasper as ā€˜firecrackerā€™ as opposed to his actual name, a reference to both the object and the food! It would also further hint at the fact they donā€™t respect Jasper at all, seeing him as nothing more than a source of entertainment and sustenance <_<;;



Ur a fucking genius omgā€¦ that fact that makes it so much better is that I can bet to you Jasper would honestly think that they were just another hallucination from some weird fucking drugs he digestsĀ 

Half the time Jasper would probably ignore them thinking they arenā€™t really there or would just keep trying to tell them to go away over and over again to the point where his frustration gets to him and he kills againĀ letting Tannin feed on the fear of the victim!Ā 

feel free to link them!! :)))

ā¤šŸ’›DAWNšŸ’›ā¤ Zinkyzor

Aye sona link??