Jynx Transfer (Unapproved)

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by MAbsolGirl



Biological Sex:
Female (Them/they)



Lavaling / Astrolyte:

Body Type:

(sorted by type)
1. Head Fluff*
2. Ear Fluff*
3. Tail Fluff*
4. Baby Teeth
5. Body Fluff*
6. Growing Horns
7. Fawn Spots
8. Stripes
9. Bands
10. Brow Changer
11. Hetero-Pupil
12. Hetero-Sclera
13. Head Changer**
14. Carpet Fur*
15. Fashion Form***
16. Slicker's Tail
17. Gradient Glass
18. Additional Lava
19. Flexi-Glass
20. Rainboom****
21. Blend
22. Crescents
23. Overload****
24. Lost Limb x2*****
25. Iridescent Markings (Blend)
26. Dreamer's Wings
27. Wax Face*****

Trinket Type:

Around 6 months



*I don't know if Carpet Fur would overrule the baby fur feroii or vice versa.

**If it weren't for how wide the mouth is, it would've been Classic Snout.

***The cloak that just appeared. No idea if it's allowed or not.

****The different colors and multiple markings.

*****There are actually a few reasons for these two
A) When first looking at the picture when I got them, I couldn't exactly tell what was going on
with the mouth or if they even had any legs because of the poor quality of the picture (same with a friend). I interpreted
them as a snake-dog thing with a weird mouth because of it.
B) Plot. I couldn't think of anything to do with them until I though of an astro story for them. The idea is that an accident
they can't remember left them without their limbs and so they're on a journey to find out and remember what happened
to them. The Wax Face plays a big part in how they lost said limbs.
C) The guide doesn't say anything about injuries or mutations for all tiers maybe someone should look into that
also worm on string



Hi! Jynx is looking pretty good, but there's a few things that need to be changed.

- Mutations cannot be applied through a transfer. We realize this wasn't clarified on the transfer guide, and this will be adjusted accordingly when the transfer guide is moved onto toyhou.se.

- The explanation for the 2 lost limbs is not adequate enough.  Just saying "Plot" to explain two lost limbs, especially without any sort of sign they had any limbs in the first place, would not count. And the character originally being snake-like with no limbs isn't enough to count for them either. We will need some convincing of the story you intend to tell would really need those lost limbs, as we generally only allow for injuries to be applied to a transfer if the previous design already had that same injury.

- They don't really seem to have had their head changed enough to count as head changer - It just seems to be the normal snout type with a slight dip, which would be allowed without the upgrade!

- Their fur is too short to be counted as Carpet fur!

- Their markings are too simple to be counted as iridescent markings, from what I can see it just appears to be blend and fawn spots.

- Similarly, because of the above, we will have to ask the few sparkles that are on their body to be removed, as sparkle markings is an unreleased upgrade.

- Pink transfers allow for any amount of secondary colours, therefore they would not have Rainboom!


I might rethink this transfer then, if that's alright with you.

or am i in too deep and there's no going back now


of course!! as long as it isn't approved its all good to back out!