Terms of Service

Posted 3 years, 7 days ago (Edited 2 years, 7 months ago) by balyena-lu


  • — The Phybia species are only to be used for personal use.
  • — Please give the appropriate credit where it is due. Species credit goes to literallyjujo and the artwork or literature to the creator.
  • — Rule violators will be warned and if there are two or more involved in an issue, they'll be asked to provide proof in case there are any misunderstandings. In cases of repeated offense, bans will be given out. Temporary or Permanent depending on the severity of the offense.
  • — Co-owning will be allowed, but we will not be liable for any fallout that may occur.

  • — If you did not buy the adopt, you are not allowed re-sell them.
  • — If you did purchase the adopt, you can only resell them for the amount you paid. (Unless you have bought art/writing that increases the monetary value.)
  • — Designs obtained through OTA can only be resold if you offered payment. Otherwise, you may trade it for other things that aren't monetary.
  • — You may trade your adopted character for whatever you find acceptable.
  • — You may gift to whoever as long as they have no offenses incurred.
  • — All ownership changes must be updated in the MYO Center by the old owner and confirmed with proof of the exchange with the new owner.

  • — Payment will be done through either Paypal or Ko-Fi.
  • — Claiming a design for a friend is allowed but you may clarify who is going to pay.
  • — Payment for MYOs will not have a deadline but adoptables will, failure to pay after 72hrs (w/out asking for an extension or payment plan) will result in a soft ban.
  • — No refunds will be given after an MYO, Adoptable, and/or any other species related purchases.

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