[EVENT] Articularia's Minigames!

Posted 1 month, 17 days ago (Edited 1 month, 15 days ago) by Mima


May/June Event - Articularia's Minigames!

Join the Articularias in playing a variety of games during May and June of 2024!
Each Friday a new game will be up, and you'll have a week or two to complete them and earn points. The participant with the most points at the end of the event will earn the "Game Lover" Articularia design, and all participants who get a minimum of 5 points will also get a MYO slot!

Check all the information on how to participate in this event below ~

Game Rules and Scoring

Any person can participate in the event, group member or not, Articularia owner or not.

On the days and timeframes listed below, a new comment will be made in this thread with a new minigame.
After a new game is up, participants should PM Mima their completed games.
DO NOT reply as a comment in this thread, or else all participants can see your answers and copy them!


For each game there will be a number of points that can be earned:

- Participation point -
1 point will be given to each participant that completes the minimum required of each game, described below.

- Correctness point -
1 point will be given to each participant that completes the entire game, with all replies correct.

- Quickness point -
1 point will be given to the first participant of each game to send it fully completed and all correct.

Scoring will be kept on this google spreadsheet!


In case there is a tie between 2 or more participants for who got the most points, tie break will be done as follows:
- The participant with the most "Correctness" points;
- If tie persists, the participant with the most "Quickness" points;
- If tie persists, we will choose the participant who created the best outfits in game 6, by staff vote.


"Game Lover" Articularia
This lad here is a total game nerd! They love all sorts of tabletop games, be it played with cards, dice, on a board, whatever you can show them! Their creation power even matches this interest, as this Articularia is able to create anything fitting the concept of "Tabletop Games"!

81368158_vlpUU3xikMFT7lj.pngThis Articularia design will be given to the participant who earns the most points at the end of the event.


Articularia MYO slot
An all common Articularia MYO slot (either subspecies) will be given to all participants who are able to collect at least 5 points during the entirety of the event. This MYO slot can be upgraded to an Uncommon MYO if the participant obtains 8 points, and to a Rare MYO if the participants obtains 12 points.

List of Games and planned times

Keep in mind that the game may be revealed at any time within the timeframe listed.
These dates and times are an estimation; in case a delay happens or a game must be rescheduled, a comment alerting of the change will be done in this thread.

Timestamps for each game, translated to your own timezone, will be available at the Articularia Discord server!

Game 1 - Spot the Differences
May 3rd 2024 14PM-16PM BRT
Deadline: May 9th 2024 18PM BRT

Find all 7 differences between the two images given!

Minimum requirement for participation prize: finding at least 4 out of 7 differences

Game 2 - Crossword Puzzle
May 10th 2024 01AM-02AM BRT
Deadline: May 16th 2024 18PM BRT

Fill out all the given words into the crossword grid!

Minimum requirement for participation prize: filling in at least 30 words correctly

Game 3 - Find the Images
May 17th 2024 18PM-20PM BRT
Deadline: May 30th 2024 18PM BRT

Look for the 6 hidden images scattered across the Articularia World!

Minimum requirement for participation prize: finding at least 3 out of 6 images

Game 4 - Logic Puzzle
May 31st 2024 07AM-09AM BRT
Deadline: June 6th 2024 18PM BRT

Use the hints and grid given to find out where each Articularia traveled and why!
Learn more about logic grid puzzles here.

Minimum requirement for participation prize: filling at least 13 out of 20 cells of the replies table correctly

Game 5 - Quiz
June 7th 2024 16PM-18PM BRT
Deadline: June 13th 2024 18PM BRT

Answer the questions asked about Articularias and their universe!

Minimum requirement for participation prize: answering 12 out of 20 questions correctly

Game 6 - Dress This Articularia
June 14th 2024 12PM-14PM BRT
Deadline: June 28th 2024 18PM BRT

Draw an outfit for the Game Lover Articularia, in the base given!

Scoring for this game will be different!
One point will be given for each fullbody and colored outfit, drawn on the base provided. Maximum of 3 points per participant.

Articularia is an Original Closed Species by Mima. Please do not create one without permission.


can i pls be pinged when a new game comes up? :>


Hi hi! All minigames will be announced in a new comment to this thread, so if you subscribe to it you will receive notifications of new comments ^^

Alternatively, there will be pings in our discord server! If you are not a member there yet, you can join the server (linked in the thread) and request the Events Ping role ^^


First Game is Up!

Minigame 1 - Spot the Differences

Find the 7 differences between these two images, and send them to Mima until May 9th 2024 18PM BRT!
You can mark the differences directly on the art, or write them down on a list (be specific, locate where is the difference and what it is).

>> Quickness Point will be given to the first person to message Mima all seven differences correctly;
>> Participation Point will be given to all participants who find at least 4 out of 7 differences until the deadline ;
>> Correctness Point will be given to all participants who find all 7 differences until the deadline (added to participation point);


The Quickness Point of this round has been claimed by Shaffee ! Congratulations <3


Minigame 1 has ended! Thanks to all participants who joined in finding all the differences <3

The answers are available under the spoiler tag!




Second Game is Up!

Minigame 2 - CrossWord Puzzle

81266015_2tKngE4VjJpo3Ia.pngComplete this crossword puzzle with the words given, and send the replies to Mima until May 16th 2024 18PM BRT!
You can write the replies directly on the image, or write them down on a list (follow the numbers given to each space in the crossword).

>> Quickness Point will be given to the first person to message Mima all crossword puzzle's answers in their correct spaces/numbers;
>> Participation Point will be given to all participants who fill at least 30 out of 52 words until the deadline ;
>> Correctness Point will be given to all participants who fill all 52 words until the deadline (added to participation point);


Keep in mind that I am uploading this game in the middle of the night for my timezone, so it will be some hours until I am able to look at any messages and replies.
PLEASE SEND YOUR REPLIES IN A TOYHOU.SE PM ONLY, so we can have proper timestamps for all messages and know who got the quickness point.
Any messages sent via Discord will not be considered until they are sent in a TH message.


The Quickness Point of this round has been claimed by FairyreS ! Congratulations <3


Minigame 2 has ended! Thanks to all participants who joined in filling this crossword puzzle <3

The answers are available under the spoiler tag!




Third Game is Up!

Minigame 3 - Find the Images

A total of 6 puzzle pieces have been hidden around the Articularia World! 
Find them all to complete a picture of one of the mascots, and send the links to the hiding spots to Mima until May 30th 2024 18PM BRT!
All 6 puzzle pieces will be hidden in different pages, under a new link that, once clicked, reveal the image. An example of such link can be seen below.

And find an image!

>> Quickness Point will be given to the first person to message Mima the locations of all six puzzle pieces;
>> Participation Point will be given to all participants who find at least 3 out of 6 hidden puzzle pieces across the Articularia World;
>> Correctness Point will be given to all participants who find all 6 hidden puzzle pieces until the deadline (added to participation point);


PLEASE SEND YOUR REPLIES IN A TOYHOU.SE PM ONLY, so we can have proper timestamps for all messages and know who got the quickness point.
Any messages sent via Discord will not be considered until they are sent in a TH message.


The Quickness point from this round has been claimed by Crystalbinja ! Congratulations <3


A few hints to help out participants who are still looking for the puzzle pieces! Each hint will be under a spoiler tag ^^


The 6 puzzle pieces, when together, form the following image: 82202175_Lp58lZLJcu2032t.png?1716398198


4 out of 6 pages with hidden puzzle pieces can be accessed directly from the front page


Besides the puzzle pieces, there are also some  Critters hiding around the world. Participants in the game can look for  them as well, and claim one. However, if you claim a critter, you will  be giving up any points you would earn in this round of the minigames,  even if you find all 6 pieces.


All hiding pages are related in some way to the image created by the puzzle pieces;


Three puzzle pieces are hidden in pages found at the world's menu bar; two puzzle pieces are hidden in forum threads/comments; one last puzzle piece is hidden in a bulletin.


Minigame 3 has ended! Thanks to all participants who joined in searching for the missing pieces <3

The answers are available under the spoiler tag! I'll keep the links for a few days for the participants who would like to check them ^^

Piece 1: https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/21586.articularia-traits 
(Extra Limbs tab, the "Nothing here..." text under "Rare's Sketches" image)

Piece 2: https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/23056.prompts 
(Bottom of the page, the "Oops, something in here?" text)

Piece 3: https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/26815.penguilaria-mascots 
(In Penguin Rare's section, the "Looking for something?" text at the end)

Piece 4: https://toyhou.se/~forums/post/4795661/view 
(last comment at the Critters Approval thread, the "not sus..." text besides the Penguin Rare image)

Piece 5: https://toyhou.se/~forums/33398.forum-games-2021/254709.art-game-draw-the-articularia-above-you 
("How this game works" section, the "There seems to be some empty space here..." text near the bottom)

Piece 6: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/279384.whats-the-buzz-april-2021-newsletter
(Group Updates section, the "Clickity click!" text under Penguin Uncommon)


Fourth Game is Up!

Minigame 4 - Logic Grid Puzzle


Using the given hints, discover where each Articularia traveled to, for what reason, and what they did in their free time!
Fill the replies into the answers table (second image) and send it to Mima until June 6th 2024 18PM BRT!
(Filling the grid from image 1 is not obligatory, and it does not need to be sent to claim the points, but you are free to send it too!)

>> Quickness Point will be given to the first person to message Mima the table with all correct answers ;
>> Participation Point will be given to all participants who fill at least 13 out of 20 cells in the answer table correctly (or 8 out of the 15 blank cells);
>> Correctness Point will be given to all participants who fill all answers correctly until the deadline (added to participation point);


PLEASE SEND YOUR REPLIES IN A TOYHOU.SE PM ONLY, so we can have proper timestamps for all messages and know who got the quickness point.
Any messages sent via Discord will not be considered until they are sent in a TH message.


Here are all the hints written down, in case anyone has trouble seeing them in the image!

1. Proteas is participating in a sports competition, but it is not held in Gierra.

2. The Articularias who went to Azeus and Foscuro did not travel to visit a friend or a work meeting.

3. Lenaesse spends her free time reading, but this does not happen after a lecture.

4. The Articularias visiting Hypheresta and Solaia are either fishing or taking photos when free; but neither traveled for a book deal.

5. Common and the Articularia on a work meeting went to Foscuro and Solaia.

6. The Articularia visiting a friend spends their free time calling other friends.

7. Neither Proteas or Zion visited Azeus; they did not spend their free time calling friends either.

8. After a hard day of work meetings, a certain Articularia decompresses by taking photos of the planet they are visiting.

9. Common likes to go sightseeing.

10. Neither the book deal nor the sports competition happened in Gierra.


The Quickness Point of this round has been claimed by FairyreS ! Congratulations <3


Minigame 4 has ended! Thanks to all participants who joined in trying to solve the puzzle <3

The answers are available under the spoiler tag! 

>> Common-Foscuro-Lecture-Sightseeing
>> Lenaesse-Azeus-Book Deal-Reading
>> Proteas-Hypheresta-Sports Competition-Fishing
>> Sena-Gierra-Visiting a Friend-Calling Friends
>> Zion-Solaia-Work Meeting-Taking Photos

Filled grid, green S for Yes/correct answers and red N for no/incorrect answers:



Fifth Game is Up!

Minigame 5 - Quiz

List of Questions:
1. What are the two subspecies of Articularias?
2. List three mascots of the Articularia species:
3. What is the name of the entity believed to be the origin of Articularias?
4. What is the maximum amount of wings an Articularia can have?
5. Are Articularias able to close their eyes?
6. What is the name of the structure Articularias have instead of ears?
7. What is the name of the process Articularias go every hundred years, which causes their skin to "peel off" and their bodies to slightly change?
8. Can Articularias with regular (small or medium-sized) wings fly?
9. What are the two exclusive abilities of Shatters?
10. What is the name of the ability that allows two or more Articularias to combine their Creation and/or Absorption Powers?
11. Which planet is known as "the meteor hole planet"?
12. What is the largest city in Foscuro?
13. In which moon is Academia Sofílion located?
14. How many times the "Forum Games" event was held at the Articularia World?
15. How many times the "Articularia MYO Event" was held at the Articularia World (only considering the Toyhou.se World)?
16. When did Penguilarias try to take over the Articularia World?
17. Which one of the current Critter species is native from planet Gierra?
18. Which Articularia is able to create the critter species Penguilaria?
19. Who is the oldest Articularia still alive (lore-wise)?
20. Who was the very first Articularia design to be created, in September of 2015?

Answer the 20 Articularia-related questions! All replies are available somewhere in information pages and forum threads, so brush up your knowledge on the species!
Answer each question and send them to Mima until June 13th 2024 18PM BRT!
(Please number your replies, or put them right after each question, to avoid any confusion ^^)

>> Quickness Point will be given to the first person to message Mima all correct answers to the quiz;
>> Participation Point will be given to all participants who answer at least 12 out of 20 questions correctly;
>> Correctness Point will be given to all participants who answer all questions correctly until the deadline (added to participation point);


PLEASE SEND YOUR REPLIES IN A TOYHOU.SE PM ONLY, so we can have proper timestamps for all messages and know who got the quickness point.
Any messages sent via Discord will not be considered until they are sent in a TH message.


The Quickness Point of this round has been claimed by Crystalbinja ! Congratulations <3


Minigame 5 has ended! Thanks to all participants who joined in replying to the quiz <3

The answers are available under the spoiler tag, with links to the pages where you could find them! 

1. What are the two subspecies of Articularias?
A: Crafter and Shatter ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/21581.introduction-to-articularias )

2. Cite three mascots of the Articularia species:
A: any three from here: https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/22007.mascots

3. What is the name of the entity believed to be the origin of Articularias?
A: The Crafter of the Universe ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/21581.introduction-to-articularias )

4. What is the maximum amount of wings an Articularia can have?
A: 2 pairs/4 wings ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/21586.articularia-traits )

5. Are Articularias able to close their eyes?
A: No, due to lack of Eyelids ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/21847.articularia-anatomy )

6. What is the name of the structure Articularias have instead of ears?
A: Tympanum ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/21847.articularia-anatomy )

7. What is the name of the process Articularias go every hundred years, which causes their skin to "peel off" and their bodies to slightly change?
A: Moulting ( https://toyhou.se/~forums/31755.articularia-s-extra-information/236677.moulting )

8. Can Articularias with regular-sized wings fly?
A: No, only Articularias with Body-sized wings can fly ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/21581.introduction-to-articularias )

9. What are the two exclusive abilities of Shatters?
A: Absorption Power and Nigh Immortality ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/22006.abilities )

10. What is the name of the ability that allows two or more Articularias to combine their Creation and/or Absorption Powers?
A: Powermix ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/22008.powermix )

11. Which planet is known as "the meteor hole planet"?
A: Petracto ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/60565.planets )

12. What is the largest city in Foscuro?
A: Asterade ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/60565.planets )

13. In which moon is Academia Sofílion located?
A: Kalilho, the yellow moon of Movistras ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/114548.academia-sofilion )

14. How many times the "Forum Games" event was held at the Articularia World?
A: Two times - December of 2021 (https://toyhou.se/~forums/33398.forum-games-2021) and September-October of 2022 (https://toyhou.se/~forums/40132.forum-games-2022)

15. How many times the "Articularia MYO Event" was held at the Articularia World (only considering the Toyhou.se World)?
A: Four times - January/February of 2021 (https://toyhou.se/~forums/26163.myo-event-2021), January of 2022 (https://toyhou.se/~forums/34086.myo-event-2022), January/February of 2023 (https://toyhou.se/~forums/43044.myo-event-2023) and January/February of 2024 (https://toyhou.se/~forums/27338.past-events/476220.myo-event-2024-claim-your-articularia-myo)

16. When did Penguilarias try to take over the Articularia World?
A: April of 2021, in the "Penguin Takeover" Event ( https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/279384.what-s-the-buzz-april-2021-newsletter )

17. Which one of the current Critter species is native from planet Gierra?

A: Damafae ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/55036.critters )

18. Which Articularia is able to create the critter species Penguilaria?
A: Uncommon ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/55036.critters )

19. Who is the oldest Articularia still alive (lore-wise)?

A: Wilhelmina ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/22007.mascots)

20.Who was the very first Articularia design to be created, in September of 2015?
A: Sena ( https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/22007.mascots and https://toyhou.se/~world/68415.articularia/page/21581.introduction-to-articularias )


Sixth and last Game is Up!

Minigame 6 - Dress this Articularia


Draw an outfit for the "Game Lover" Articularia and other chosen buggies to earn points!

Game Lover Articularia
Outfit theme: Tabletop Games
Avoid: overly revealing clothes

All outfits for the game must follow these guidelines:
- Must be drawn on the base provided above;
- Must be a complete outfit (so not just a shirt or a pair of shoes alone), and outfit lines should not be reused for multiple entries;
- Must follow the "style" described for each character;
- Alterations to the character's traits and colors are not allowed;
- The credit tag/signature should not be removed; you just fill in your name in the provided space.


Send each completed outfit to Mima until June 28th 2024 18PM BRT to earn points!
One point will be given per completed outfit, for a maximum of 3 points per participant.

By drawing outfits for this game, you unlock new options!
- After ONE outfit completed, you will have access to a larger selection of Articularias for this game;
- After TWO outfits completed, you can sign up one of your own Articularias to be added to the game options!

All images will be provided as PNG files by default.
If you would like a different file type (.tif, .psd, .sai, etc.), please contact Mima to ask for an alternate filetype.


PLEASE SEND YOUR REPLIES IN A TOYHOU.SE PM ONLY, so we can have proper timestamps for all messages and know who got the quickness point.
Any messages sent via Discord will not be considered until they are sent in a TH message.