Posted 2 years, 6 months ago (Edited 2 years, 6 months ago) by sapata

HAVE UNDERSTANDABLE ENGLISH You don't need to have perfect grammar at all or write perfectly with no typos, just make sure what you're saying makes sense in the context you're in! And try to keep it to the English language as much as possible.

DON'T REVIVE DEAD THREADS WITHOUT CONSENT If a roleplay hasn't been updated in months just, keep it like that unless you ask a mod and/or the OP. Make a new thread with the same idea if you like it, it's fine.

ONLY ROLEPLAY WHAT YOU'RE ALLOWED Do not pretend to be anyone from real life or a character inspired by real life things without consent. Do not roleplay a minority you don't have any experience on how their life is. Do not steal people's characters for roleplaying. Do your research and ask permission first ALWAYS!

AVOID RACIST, ABLEIST, XENOPHOBIC AND SEXIST STEREOTYPES These things are sadly very common in Warriors but you don't really have to replicate it. I highly encourage people to try and do better than the Erins have SPECIALLY in regards to stereotypes of Native Americans.

NO IS NO Doesn't matter what the thread is, if someone doesn't want to roleplay something or asks you not to do something near them or with them respect that, if anyone is uncomfortable really just drop it and move on. Don't beg.

FOLLOW EACH FORUM AND THREAD'S RULES This is the basics but all currently existing 4 roleplay forums have their own rules and gimmicks, check them out before roleplaying! Keep each thing on it's right place and behave accordingly, if someone makes a thread asking for x roleplay don't reply with y, specially if the person asks you not to.

last update 6th of december 2021