Magick in the Edanverse

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by eggbyte

wanted to elaborate more about Magick...

Yangwai magick is the most powerful for two reasons: 1. It's the easiest to control, 2. Largest destructive ability. The most powerful Yangwai can clear out entire forests in one blast (this is partially how they won the war). Nowadays, powerful Yangwai will display their power by having flames incorporated into their day to day (as in like... they'll literally have flames follow them or float around them or even have flames wrap around their arms like sleeves) to display their control and ability to keep the flames on without much focus. Also the tunnels in Dvar are maintained by workers in 4 hour shifts that essentially spend the entire 4 hours evaporating the water in the tunnels.

Etoilange magick is prob the most interesting bc of how it works; they can teleport.. BUT it's very difficult to control. Babies will have no control whatsoever. Luckily, teleporting ranges increase with age so babies will only be able to teleport to a different place in the room or at the most, a different room in the same house for powerful babies. As they grow older, they learn how to stop teleporting in school and, by age 10, most will be able to stop random teleportation (although there are unfortunate exceptions). At higher levels, some may attempt to train to focus their magick to figure out where exactly to teleport to but for the most part, the general population can only control whether or not they will teleport at all. If an etoilange can get to a place where they can control the distance they teleport (not even accounting for direction), they'd be considered very good at magick use.

Meeren have visions of the past, present, and future with future-vision Meeren being seen as the most useful. Some Meeren will have visions of two or even all three, but for Meeren that see visions in more than one direction, they are unable to tell which direction each vision is in. Those that have all three will also often get migraines and get visions involuntarily rather than voluntarily. 

All Jovenes can create lifelike holograms, the size depends on talent and how much they practice magick so babies can only create like small rock sized holograms that flicker a lot while more advanced Jovenes can create Jovene sized holograms that last up to 24 hours. As for shapeshifting, that's a rare skill that's only been in certain lineages if Jovenes. A lot of them will use it for cosmetic purposes, going into entertainment careers, although some will also use it for crime (disguising themselves as someone else). Others will give themselves extra arms or monster features to sort of showcase their extra power. Shapeshifting takes a lot of energy, and if a Jovene remains shapeshifted for too long, they'll pass out. Most will last one day max, although incredibly talented Jovenes can last up to three days in a shapeshifted form. 

Sylphs are able to heal any external wound with their Magick. For large wounds/amputations, they'll regrow the limb into the kind of flora they have (i.e. think Finn's flower/grass arm in Adventure Time). However, they are unable to heal internal wounds or illnesses. They have to act quick, though, as they can only heal someone as long as they are still alive (although healing is instantaneous, so Sylphs can save someone on the brink of death). 

Aesht'fritun are the only ones without any true magickal ability. They are just super strong/physically capable and have heightened internal healing.