Alright guys, as we get ready for the big event, we need to actually organize for once. This isn't going to be like our usual gatherings, we're going to actually be living in the forests up north for the next month or so, so... Yeah.

Let's have everyone detail the rough areas we'll each be staying in, anyone who wants to group, please at least keep it a max of 2 okay? Also, for those of us who are going solo for the event, make sure you bring plenty of spare batteries for the GPS's and 'Talkies, k? Lastly, please also restate your IC names, so we can be clear about who's who~

Ok so I, THE GRAND MAGE DANNEAS, shall start this whole she-bang off (lol, so cringy)! As I've been mentioning on the public forums, I've been dedicating a lot of my free time in the past 7 years working on a little cabin, however I've refrained from doxxing the locale since I know some of the freaks that lurk on the pubs aren't the kindest lol
I'll post pics later but it's just West of one of the river's splits, and North of the river itself. Coordinates on the M'App are [] and [], so you can check it out. One last reminder, keep North of the river and don't cross it for any reason, the other side is apparently privately owned land and there's a fuck tonne of 'No Trespassing' signs all along the river's southern banks.

I'll be going solo. (Cabin's small okay, it'd be super uncomfy trying to have 2 people living inside, Visitors ok tho)

Erica Somerset Trazel_Apeally

Ummm, I guess I'll go??

So, hey y'all, IK a couple of you know me from around the Pubs, I'm not... exactly... going as anyone?? But I will be camping out around and visiting each of you over the next chunk of our lives; I'll be doing multi-media captures of everyone's experiences~!! I'm super excited that umm *cough cough*, Grand Mage Danneas, reached out about using my 'magical soul capturing techniques' to document most things. I've been given some permission to hand out some spare disposable cams to everyone so that we all can take some pics~ After all is said and done, I'll take the cams. develop the photos, and paint a select few as art pieces!! I'll be sure to sell reprints for anyone interested UvU

I'll give heads up when I'm heading your way, but it'll take me a bit considering that some of the nature trails are kind of worn out since the land to the south was bought out, guess some people get nervous when land gets mysteriously purchased with no public docs LOL but it is what it is. umm but yeah, I think that's all, I look forward to seeing what everyone captures!!! GLHF all!