πŸ‚ Fav4Fav & Comment4Comment!

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 13 hours, 24 minutes ago) by tofucat

doing fav 4 fav because im looking to get some more favs on some characters β™‘
i also want to share the love and look at some other cool characters that you all have!!
comment 4 comment is also something ill do!

you comment on one (or more) of my characters like what you like about them or their story etc and ill do the same for yours!
sub 4 sub is also okay!! β™‘

πŸ‚ IMPORTANT || Extra Info:
β€’ let me know how many chars of mine you faved and ill fav the same amount back!
β€’ make sure to link a folder or the specific characters you want me to fav (please be specific - probably won't go digging)
β€’ if no comment is made, I will randomly pick a character or more from your account!
β€’ also let me know if you are doing the comment4comment + sub4sub so i can return it β™‘

Thank you all so much in advance and I look forward to seeing your characters!!

Not all character profiles are FULLY filled out but most of them have at least some info + a bunch of images to look at!


ScarletBloodmoon thank you so much! i faved them and commented on scarlet for you! you can comment on this guy if you'd like :D



winnie_luvs_jjba thank you so much!! i went through 00 and faved them all for you + the ones mentioned especially :D they're all amazing!


xuxu thank you! i faved 5 in return <3


Hi again! Faved 3 more <33 I'd be very grateful if u fave Haigo and ChifirπŸ’—


kittycatOwO thank you! i faved them :D


Nekromantik thank you! i faved them for you :D


haiii !! I faved 3 ;w; it would mean a lot to me if you faved Dia, ogfbs, and Melody !!! :D

edit: typo sorry!


diatzk i faved them for you, thank you! :D


Faved adrik , pls fav them