Restarting my fave 4 fave thread and back at it again! Just simply hoping to get faves and/or comments for my OCS and spread some love to others while at it! :D

Fave / Comment on any OC in my folder TGAA: PBFP and I will return the faves 1:1 or more! I will also subscribe to you back if you subscribe to me!

My priority is said detective and attorney mentioned in the title (IC)- Chiyoko (who has a goal of 1000 faves!) , however you can feel free to fave / comment on anyone else in the folder!

For faves / comments back do consider telling me how many OCS you faved (though I will likely fave more than how many you give to my OCS, highly likely). I can fave / comment on ANY OC other than Mature Locked / NSFW OCS , none of those OCS please (and thank you) ! 

For any faves / comments I will return the favor! For comments, I return based on effort and always give comments with the same or more effort put into it! Feel free to fave spam me (I love fave spams, go off) and if you are not okay with fave spam / want me to fave a specific folder / want me to fave specific OCS, let me know as well!


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ) (This can be us, lets do this! :D)


♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

(Manual bump)


ScarletBloodmoon DID YOU KNOW that we just had a same braincell moment- I actually was about to comment on your thread for a comment for comment but I forgot to do so, and yes I am totally okay with that! I plan to comment on Scarlet, Grim and Eclipsa and you can comment on any OC in the TGAA: PBFP folder but I would especially love a comment for Ganbaatar since she’s the latest OC I actually finished coding for their profile! <3


ScarletBloodmoon I try to be as active as possible and I can see where you are coming from! I am currently in class so it might take me a while to comment on Scarlet and the others, but I will get to them by evening!


♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

 ogfbs 🍥 diatzk

hiii !! I just faved two from your folder since I had a handful already faved qwq and I also subbed! it would be epic if you could fav ogfbs and Aurora QwQ