Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 4 months ago) by Telepachu_Database

Want to have a Telepachu of your own? You can get them approved here!

01 » basic guide

Approval is super easy! Just upload your Telepachu to your account, and then fill out the form below. Remember, anyone can make a REGULAR Telepachu any time, no MYO slot needed! EVOLVED and CORRUPT Telepachu still need a slot link though.

If you have a REGULAR MYO slot from before the species became semi-open, it automatically counts as an EVOLVED slot now! No need to do anything special, just link the slot and mods will take care of the rest.

02 » myo approval form

Myo slot link (optional) :
Artist : @ username
Owner : @ username
Rarity : (Reg/Evo/Corrupt)
Link to design : (toyhouse)

A mod will reply to you with proof of approval, or with any corrections needed.


Myo slot link: https://toyhou.se/~comments/18789892 Artist: AponiNoKiseki Owner: AponiNoKiseki Rarity: Evolved Link to design: https://toyhou.se/17898463.aria-wip


approved! here's the masterlist link: https://toyhou.se/22452698.myo-128


Myo slot link: https://toyhou.se/~comments/18766502

Artist: Guiako 

Owner: Bunnybunaki 

Rarity: Evolved 

Link to design: https://toyhou.se/17908938.telepachu-myo/gallery


approved! here's the masterlist link: https://toyhou.se/22517359.myo-129