|| Where the Merfolk are at Play ✢ ✣ | ✢ ✣

Posted 1 year, 4 days ago (Edited 1 year, 4 days ago) by Alphanea

◥ dive down deep, down deep within you ◤

Silverclaw Alphanea

There was something Jacquelyn hated, more so than she hated anything else, an arrogant annoyance that was constantly present wherever the hermit found herself drifting, insistent upon witnessing the true wrath of a daughter of the ocean. Pristine waves were crashing against both the wooden hull of the smallish fishing vessel as well as the shoreline, the currents whirling around her tangled up black tresses, like a mop of dark seaweed, floating all around her. A pair of unempathetic eyes were following the sailors she had discovered within her territories, allowing their pathetic existences to continue as long as she desired. Mankind, the source of her distaste, romping around, disturbing forces that they understood very little about, uncaring for the destruction they left in their wake. Webbed fingers traced over the segmented carapace that took the place of a left arm, former anguish and anger spiking s dark thoughts whirled around the mer's mind. What one must do? Surely such a transgression could not stand. Lure them out one by one then drown them? Watch the life drain from their eyes. Rock and slash their flimsy vessel until it gave way, leaving the sailors to the mercy of the ocean? Or simply slash and bite until what remained was mere chunks of flesh like the rabid creature she was? There was something that caught the mer's attention, her ice cold eyes fixating onto a bundle of nets. Too large for fish, intended for something larger? Was it full? With a powerful pulse of her tail the mer drew nearer, using the vessel to mask her presence when the top of her head was no longer submerged, watchful and a tad curious.