Affiliates Submissions

Posted 2 months, 28 days ago by Drawingisphysics

To become a affiliate to Flos Scanti! You must have certain requirements filled out!

  • 30 members in Toyhouse or Discord! 
  • Must have a Toyhouse (Opt. Discord) 
  • compatible for crossbreeds
  • A trait sheet/visual guide to your species! 
 Meeting these requirements doesn't mean you will be become an affiliate! It's important to discuss it over! As affiliates, events can be collaborated with ours or we can promote your events (vice versa)! Flos Scanti reserves all rights to unaffiliate with species due to multiple reasons given to the owner of the species (whether it be drama, inactivity, or problematic mods/owners)!  

If the comments isn't appropriate for you! You can DM Colorado on Discord or DM Flos_Scanti!

Template ---
 - Owner: TH Username

 - Species Type: (Human, Kemonomimi, Feral)
 - World Link: Here
 - Species Description: (Lore, type, and general info!)

Once this template submitted you should be contacted in DMs or Comments about it!