Your oc is "quarantined" with the oc above!

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by P0CKETKNIFE

First of all, I hope this thread isnt in poor taste. The situation going on globally right now is serious, and I know some of us are turning to the forums here as a way to de-stress. That being said, I had this idea for a forum game and I hope it turns out to be a fun experience rather than a bad reminder of what's going on! I'll explain the concept:

For one reason or another, your characters are stuck together for at least a week! It doesnt have to be a quarantine scenario, and you're free to get creative with your responses. How do they handle the isolation? Do they get along? Do either of them make it out alive, or do they end up with a thriving partnership? This is all about exploring character dynamics and interacting with ocs you might not normally include in your character's storyline.


Character A: A pulled back the curtains and surveyed the mountains of snow piling up outside the cabin. They were easily able to confirm they were snowed in for at least the rest of that night, and likely much longer judging by the sounds of the winter storm outside. With a sigh, they turn to character B and state the obvious question, "so what are we going to do?"
Character B: B blinks in response to the question and briefly contemplates their best plan to escape the situation without freezing to death. After some thought, they have to agree that there's no way of venturing outside for the time being, so they sit on the cabin's sofa with a sigh. "I dont know," they shrug, "but I'm not opposed to cannibalism if it comes to it." It was obvious A didn't find this humor funny, but B was more concerned with their own needs. "I say we wait it out and try not to waste all of our supplies too early." Although the notion was sensible, B didnt last until the second night without clearing out their pantry, and it was starting to look like A was the one angry enough to consider cannibalism.

1. Although this thread is inspired by the circumstances of the pandemic, I would recommend choosing another scenario, or making sure you approach the topic respectfully. It's alright to have some humor in there, for instance: a character hoarding toilet paper or sanitizer, but please remember these issues are real--even if we may joke about them to cope.
2. Please be sure to post IC with the character you're using for your response!
3. Your prompt to the character bellow can be 1-2 brief sentences, but when responding to an above prompt please include at least 4! This thread is about interaction and development, so the more thought you put in the better!
4. Try to keep your responses in character by looking over the profile above. You dont have to study the character in depth, but it's nice to know who you're writing with your character--at least on a basic level.
5. Some characters won't get along, but please be sure to keep your responses respectful to the character's owner.
6. You're welcome to edit your response to react to the reply your scenero received!
7. Please wait for three people to post after you before posting again! I'd also reccomend choosing a variety of characters to keep things interesting, but it isnt required for you to use a different oc each time!
8. To prevent being ninja'd, I'd suggest pre-claiming a spot before writing your reply!

First person to post can simply start with a scenario, and we'll go from there!


(hey man thanks for keepin it light. i really appreciate it, ive had a rough week and this is takin the edge off haaa)

Sarangerel leaned back in her seat, lowering the book she'd been engrossed in for the past 3 hours against her chest. The sound of footsteps on hardwood was the only thing to knock her out of her stupor- just about the only thing that could, at this point. She'd been trying very hard for what had more-than-likely been 3 days (despite feeling like months) to ignore their presence, but it just made no sense to her. She sighed, crossing her feet at the ankles as she tucked her pen back behind her horns, not bothering to look her guest in the eye.
"Remind me again how you're here?" She seems genuinely curious, despite her sharp tone. "This isn't exactly the easiest place to find on a map, much less access. If I knew better, I'd say you're just a very bad spy."

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Aichi Arlot Kvroii

I believe there has been a misunderstanding...

That was Aichi's first thought when he woke, unsure of where he was or how long he was out. All he knew was that he was in the presence of someone (his telepathic powers told him this person's name was Issac), that he had no way of leaving, and that it was in his best interest to stay out of the way.

After all, Aichi wasn't sure if it was illness, weather, or unexpected events that left them quarantined, and as he observed Issac, he knew he didn't wish to ask, for it would be a risk of encountering an abrasive response. He just kept observing Issac in his peripheral vision, hoping the quarantine was nearing its end.

(the rules say to add a prompt for the person below so i'm going to do that! it's hard to write when there is no prompt, after all ;u; )

The snow wouldn't relent. 

Aichi retreated from the long window and drew the curtains tight, looking towards his guest. "The trains are not running in this storm," he said. "I'm afraid you may be stuck here for a while. I do apologize; I should have arranged another way to bring you home in the event of a snowstorm."

He brought his guest a cup of tea. "How would you feel about staying here for the duration of the storm? I can promise you that no harm will befall you while you are here."

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Rylex Marclyn

Rylex quietly says to himself, "You worried? Man... I be the one in a stranger's home." As he slicks his hair back, nervously tapping on the kitchen table, observing Troy's home.

As Troy got up to grab the mugs Rylex bursts out loud, "No no no no! Don't be serving me no tea, pussy boy! I isn't about to get Hansel and Gretel up in hea! I isn't gett'n stuffed and eat'n today! Be putt'n dem toxin in dat tea and mak'n me drink that shit. Shit.. Up in hea looking like Grandma's. Naw! No you put that mug back down. I isn't drinking nuth'n. I isn't eat'n nuthing. You go back dar, sit yo cute cat ass back down where I can see you. Man.. I can't trust no midgety pussy boy half my size. I is a stranger in yo home, and you is too chill about serving me tea already. I've seen plenty of damn movies. And it's always the brother that gets got first! So no offense to you pussy boy. You is super sweet and kind and shit, but you is gots to understand. I came here seeking shelter. Not look'n to get comfy. I just can't trust you dawg. Naw..." He shakes his head and crosses his arms anxiously staring out the window into the heavy rain. Perhaps Rylex was right? Perhaps it was indeed the raging storm that was making him uneasy. Whatever it may be. He kept his distance and stayed alert until the storm passed.

"Yo man. You heard? Some deadly virus out dar dat be making folks sick and shit. Means we can't just go home. Cuz the virus be in the air dat be making us sick! So just you and me buddie, we bunker in together like roomies and wait for the virus to pass! WOO!" As he chants loudly in their face. "Is okay. Rylex got chu. He got booze and music up in hea. Dats all we need 'nways!" He takes out some booze and starts bobbing his head to a beat. "Come now yo. Show me some moves!" As he breaks into some dance moves.