Make a birth date for the above character!

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago (Edited 2 years, 10 months ago) by kabuto

Hello hello again, back with another forum game idea!

Now I struggle with giving my characters birth dates. Sometimes I have a general idea (ie. a month or a zodiac sign) but not a solid date- maybe you guys have the same problem too with this!

So why not make a forum game centered upon it?

Only real rules are: try not to post the same character too often (once per page unless the thread's been dead for a week), and to please post a date, not just a range of them. People here may be looking for a specific birth day for their character, not to have to pick it out themselves because the last commenter only said "March" or "I feel like they'd be born on the 1st of any month".

Anyway, this is just for fun so please don't get mad if someone doesn't choose the date you pick!

And if you're like me and have a month/zodiac sign/ect in mind you can feel free to add that in your post for the next poster's consideration!

Other games by me: 

Create a middle name for the OC above you!

What music does the OC above you listen to?

The OC Above is your OC's New Neighbor!

First poster starts us off!

Bree ChristianCupcake

Since she's like ivy, I'm thinking sometime in the spring because that's when plants grow. So, perhaps April 19 

- 🩸| Harley - shrimpysodaa

Giving me cozy winter vibes, how about Jan 5

 ollie shore

maybe born in fall? November 17th.

🔥 : Bonnie (PENDING) manyface

i associate the colour of their hair with february (idk why) so how about february 21st?

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Pure IcyWolf

hmmm... his color palette reminds me a lot of fall, so I’d say that November 21st would be an appropriate birthday for him

Rain Lavithetiger

December 21st. Winter vibes so born on the winter solstice

 Saffiyus bandbullets

IMO the best rainy weather is usually in fall for me so Sept 14!

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Eden Aureole FourEyedNerd

October 21st? I feel like they’d like halloween, even if it has no correlation to their birthday lol


(Pinging last poster as it’s been 2 months and they may wanna see it - also, the removed post was me, sorry!)

Piri Knightingale

They look sort of wintery but not so much that I’d say December, so how about September 16th? It’s around the time it usually starts to get colder and feels like a time when writers get a lot of inspiration from the weather changing (since they’re a fairy of literature)

Juniper FourEyedNerd

As no one has commented in over a day, i'll do another one

12th of July -  they seem independent and determined, which is a common trait for people born in july.

Hope this helps!

Edit: Bea is no longer my character and the rest already have birthdays, so feel free to just make up any date - sorry about this!


//manual bump, don’t mind me//

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