How unique is the OC above you?

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago (Edited 1 month, 9 days ago) by dandikix

The idea is simple: examine the design of the character above you and try to pin point how unique they are based off how much of somehow similar design elements or character lore you've seen before!


- refrain from using the tread for giving or recieving design advise, every design is original in its own way, this is just a game for fun and giggles 

- don't insult other's designs, be polite

- wait at least two posts before posting again

Timeless zhestrel

5/5, I really like the design, the story is also a 5/5, I felt so sorry for her and her friends, I really want to know more about her background now, the design is really nice at the eye, and I would totally like to draw a cat version one day, if you like that ;')



SapphireBatWings never saw your comment, sorry..

3/5 The character's design is interesting, the backstory too, but I feel like there's something missing, I don't know, it's just there's something.. there's this thing that caught my eye: the paint-like marks


zhestrel just a little nudge, I was the last person to post,not crowaway :)

Newt FoxieWithaMoxie

zhestrel Average: 3/10 Character Design: 4/10 Pretty unique character design from all the characters I've encountered. Personality/abilities: 2/10 Not as unique. Especially the fact that she's really powerful as I've seen WAY too many characters that have a million different superpowers and are basically perfect. Also, characters (especially female ones) that dislike the idea of being protected by others have been done a lot in media. That doesn't mean that it isn't a good plot point or motivation for her actions. I like how she is aggressive and competitive. I think it'd be really interesting if this trait combined with her need to protect others made her willing to rush into battle (instead of her normal, rational behavior). This would also be an interesting way to move the plot along and explain her mistakes and weaknesses. Anyways, I really like your character! She's really cute and I think she has a lot of potential to be the protagonist of a story!

Joanne Nakano Akeya

Design: 4/5. Though I'm not an expert of furry designs, I think Newt's is pretty creative! His color palette is unique, the contrast of colors are cute along with his tiny bowtie! His tail and the stitch markings around his midsection are new, at least to me. Though I will say that as a character... Maybe a 2 or 3/5? There's not much nuance to him, not to say that he's a bad character, but he feels very one-two. He's either this way or that way depending on who he interacts with. It's a common thing, I even think one of my OC's are like this way, so it's not just Newt that's like this. But like I said, I don't think he's a bad character. He's cute and his personality matches that. 

Astra Crosswise Minn

4/5 I love the design, it's simple but cute and the clothes look super comfortable. I've seen characters like it before, but not as often as you'd think. I think simplistic character designs are harder to find than really detailed ones.  Overall, the design looks like a real person and I like that. Judging from her artworks, she seems like a great person and I think irl I'd love to meet her!

I also really like the small details in her profile, like how she's good at makeup and loves sailor moon. 

What really stands out to me personally, is that she's not depicted as 'the greatest human being alive'  but feels quite real. You describe her flaws well, which I like! really great character! 

-Astra has some NSFW art. If you're a minor it should not show up tho (it should be blocked for minors), but just to be sure, please be over 18!-


4/5!! I see the color pallet quite often so what if you added a pop of different color to things you want to stick out?? But I do think the outfit and basically everything else is pretty unique 

Fiere WestleyDraws

2.5/5 - They're done in that mlp style, which is incredibly common. They are a triceratops, which gives it a bit of a twist, but they have the similar basic design as many other small triceratops characters in the media. The outfit and description/personality were also pretty generic, but we love that classic 'bookish girl' trope, and she's cute!

 Saturnip K1RA

4/5 - I think without any context, it would have been seen as the same generic demon character by appearance. Though with context, Tieflings are something I never heard before! It's a unique species to me since I don't play DnD though either way, it doesn't stand out easily if the appearance of the character and the outfits are simple.

There are a few things that stuck out to me as common in the backstory but they aren't too bad to have!~ So it's pretty good that you developed him well enough and I give props for that.


Note for the next user: This character has a wikia page I created so look very carefully in the bio to find the link if you want more information about them. Though you don't have to if it's not that important.

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Achi SapphireBatWings

Design wise I'm gonna go with a 3/5 mostly because I thought of Rhombulus right away lol. But it also looks like Hope has lots of forms so I think that, that aspect adds some originality which is cool. 

For history and bio I'm going to go with 4/5 I noticed a few common tropes like the sibling to humanity and angel on earth. But the way these things were put togehter created for a more unique character. I've always thought it's less about avoiding tropes and more about HOW you use them. And "nowadays, Hope has assumed the role of a backwoods redneck" is a new take on angel xD I like it.

Keegan TheEliBlog

I’d say 3/5, I love the color scheme and aesthetic overall.

I’ve seen a few characters with a similar hairstyle and hair color but by no means does this mean your oc is unoriginal! The ritualistic aspect is very unique, I don’t think I’ve ever seen something like that before! 


I think your oc is pretty unique. In the end all ocs are unique  :-) i do see alot of canines but the personality is pretty unique and the fur pattern 

Pansy Kirstein



I've never actually seen any characters like this before, the colours go together well and the design is very pretty. The profile so far is a bit basic but it's still a very cool looking character and I love them.


Probably somewhere around 1.5/5

The design is super cute, but I constantly see kemonomimis everywhere with pastel colors. They still go together really nicely, but designs like this are definitely common. Dog kemonomimis are super common as well! The style that Pansy is usually drawn is is super common too. Definitely not bad, but it's for sure what's in style right now! It's super cute nonetheless, but without a lot of info on the profile I can't really go off of much more than just the design.

Singh | Fifth AllseeingDaydream

I don't think i've ever seen her species before, very unique :}. Love her slender and kinda upright-slithery body. Also really love how you draw her head, her almost jagged face shape with her very straight hair gives a nice shape contrast. It's definitely unique, maybe 4.5-5/5.