Make a Poem for the OC Above

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 1 day ago) by IronyMobile

This is a forum game involving poems.

Responding to the IC above, a poem can be written about generally anything, whatever inspires the user posting.

Anything from a couplet (2 lines) to a quatrain (4 lines), and beyond that would be viable for this game.

The first post can be a freebie, or contain a work if preferred.

Not everything has to rhyme; some types are freeform.

1. No NSFW.
2. Be nice.
3. If possible, put thought into your response?
4. If claiming, make sure to address it within a few days at most.
5. There is not a posting cooldown, but be considerate?
6. More rules may be added if necessary.

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Mai IronyMobile

He runs out from

A supermarket carrying

All the dollars in the register

No one is brave enough to follow

And the police are late

v Thank you!!

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Bagelstar Greenwind

I see you like violence

I... I need a moment of silence...

Onding IronyMobile

Eyes of the sun, reflecting in the crepuscular lighting

Swiftly run through the underbrush, unseen

And unheard despite the effort put into rushing through

The grass, earth and stone overlooked as the

Nightlife continues to drown everything.

v Lol yea

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Lanolin animalchorus

In the sewers, 

where light doesn’t stretch its prying fingers,

find out what can be done, 

and grasp for it with ever last bit of reach,

never let it go, 

we all will be one

one at last

Not used to writing poetry but thought id give it a go :) something something solidarity forever 

Moiré IronyMobile

A system prides itself on morality

The very fact of existence a matter of constancies

The present walks actively without realizing inherent truth

Of living at a constant state of difference

What of the mundane becomes overlooked in passing importance

Where activity depends on the collective individual

Something prominent to not guide or follow in entirety

Alternations in decision creating time as understood

As such in motion days pass without err

Compounded thought ambivalent and with fortitude

To gradual unapparent advantage

Thank you!! It’s well done and fits his narrative.

 Alanna 'Prudence' MeowMeow422

IronyMobile (hope you like it)

Dark creature along among these people

Flaunting and swimming like they belong

An eal with a purpose unknown

They tread these waters, horribly alone.



Oh my cattos that is so gorgeous🥺 I absolutely adore it!

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Rogue Wannabe AllseeingDaydream

MeowMeow422 (Usually i write freeverse but here's my attempt at rhyming..)

Oh, ghostly melodies won't you sing your song?

An orchestra fit for the dead and long gone.

Let me dance under the unearthly light one last time, in death as in life.

Until even my feather-light touch will not reach her anymore, my love my dear wife.

Stop Sign Awake_Ache

AllseeingDaydream I haven't made a poem in a while, hope you like this!


Their aura, their dreams all purple as night,

Their power is the sun,

Yet burns twice as bright,

Once at the top, once number one,

Changing her paths, is this darling dumb?

She'll yell, insult, he'll bite and claw,

Hiting you til your whole body is numb.

He'll bite and scratch til you're bloody and raw.