🎶 Imagine a title for the theme of the OC above

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by fuelli

What would be the title of the music theme of the OC above you, if they had a custom one in a video game or a series?

  • It is heavily recommended to read the OC's bio a bit before coming up with a title. Using more than 2 words per title is also preferred when possible.
  • Titles in other languages than English, (preferably when justified, and grammatically correct), are authorised. Just be sure to include a translation!
  • You can also add a quick description of what the theme would sound like in addition to the title, but it's not obligatory. The main goal is just to come up with fake titles.

Be nice and have fun!

All my forum games & other threads

🃏 Arkadiy 🚬 mmmeatbat

sorry i yapped so much but i really enjoy this peepaw's whole deal.

"Echoes of Mortality"

Audemus' theme would be a haunting, melancholic symphonic piece that explores the duality of his character – the balance between life and death that lies at the core of his necromantic studies. the music would open with a slow, somber piano melody, accompanied by mournful strings that evoke a sense of profound sorrow and isolation; this would reflect Audemus' withdrawn demeanor and his struggles with mental health issues. as the piece progresses, the instrumentation would build, introducing ominous-sounding brass and woodwinds that lend an air of foreboding and power; thus symbolizing Audemus' formidable intellect, his mastery of necromantic magic, and his towering presence as a figure of authority. however, throughout the composition there would be moments of delicate beauty and ethereal wonder – shimmering harp glissandos and angelic choral harmonies; representing the underlying empathy and yearning to heal that lies beneath Audemus' stern exterior, as well as the sublime, almost transcendent nature of his necromantic studies.

the overall atmosphere would be one of melancholy, introspection, and an eerie, otherworldly quality – much like Audemus himself, with subtle unsettling undertones that suggest the presence of dark, primal forces, reflecting the more macabre aspects of his necromantic specialization. ultimately, "Echoes of Mortality" would be a complex, multifaceted composition that captures the duality and depth of Audemus' character – a brilliant, tortured soul who has dedicated his life to unlocking the secrets of the necromantic arts, first and foremost.

@np no need to match my length! you're also free to come up w something for his girlypop counterpart instead :)
v i LOVE this tysm for acknowledging the '90s-'00s stuff, and you are indeed right! :D he's my muscovite boy. the title is Just Right, straight to the point, very him. i think that your desc of the actual song is v fitting too!! def sounds like something i'd associate w him :)

OverDosen DontPingZumiMePls

^ eheheheh yw :D

If I understood right, this character is Russian, at least the name and stuff are Russian if I'm right so I would give him the ost with the name "Стрелок"(Shooter) because he makes guns and stuff

And I guess the theme would be..kinda fast? Like idk, it may have some shooting in the background. I am sure the ost would have 2 parts, one is joyful, just like idk, funny as him being fool and stuff, but it will also have serious part with idk why I guess loud bass

I'm sure the main instrument will be piano or guitar, because in 90-00 in Russia there were popular guitarists who were playing on the streets

Oof, wall of text, and bruh idk sowwy😭 I just had ideas I'm sowwy

v the falling mask thing is actually fire! It is canoj that he will throw it away in the end, but no spoilers, so I guess that would be really fantastic, thank you :D

Yoshihide Shishikura howdyadoitsnatty


(Named after the muse for tragedies, typically represented by that sad mask in the 'drama masks' symbol)

The song gives off mostly 'chaotic' vibes as it's OverDosen/Hikaru's story told through their own recollection, seemingly a bit jumbled together and uncertain. Lyrics also relate a lot to their mask, both literal and metaphorical, and how they hide both his past and his emotions. Near the end of the song the Mask falls off and it gives some more insight into their sorta 'inner emptiness' while also singing about trying to eat the listener.

I imagine something in terms of instrumentation almost like The Distortionist, I find myself lacking the words but chaotic and 'warbly'. It'd start off sort of fun to represent the 'mask' but then it'd get a lot more intense once the music drops. Generally 'crazy' feeling with a sort of enigmatic aura.

( vvv The Phobia and Porter Robinson mix really does feel like something that fits him well, I really like the dark and sorta ambient feeling intermixed with moments of beauty even if it only sort of was mentioned as an example: The vocal parts of Fellow Feeling feel surprisingly fitting too. Just in general AaaAAaAAAA thank you so much! vvv )

ラブ・バイト (偽愛噛) heroicallyheroic

死の慰む芸術 / Shi no nagusamu geijutsu / the comforting art of death. i put it in japanese both bcuz his profile did mention he Was japanese, but also bcuz i need to practice 🙏 i chose this title bcuz of the obsession he has in his art and how it seems to comfort him and also because HesA Serial Killer that brings death and ALSO because its mentioned he paints VERY gruesome themes. iimagine itd sound low and full of tension...sort of like some omori osts? specifically something reminiscent of that one onori agoraphobia x porter robinson mashup on youtube somewhere with the really like deeeeeep pulsing sounds in it lol.