this thread is no longer maintained.

Posted 6 years, 17 days ago (Edited 2 months, 14 days ago) by vitaminSALES

please do not DM this account.

So I've been interacting in these sorts of threads for a while now and I'm p. tired of putting in really nice designs only to get really cheap ones in return. No shame in that, if that's what the user below me has, but I thought maybe it was time to make a high-quality edition for people who just have some really nice designs that they can't use and don't want to/can't sell. This is like every other version of the game (see this forum channel) with a few extra specifications.

1. All characters traded must have at least one full-body reference.
2. You must wait until 3 people have posted before posting again.
3. All characters traded must be of a high quality. This means no five-minute designs, nothing made on dollmakers, preferably no bases but high-quality base-work is allowed. Basically something nice, properly lined and maybe shaded, fully-coloured. Use your discretion.
4. If you don't like a character, do not complain or return it, just throw it back into the game later on! The exception to this rule is characters you are sent which do not follow the rules, in which case please tag @gimmique privately so that I'm aware of the situation.

Please fill in the form when posting to make sure you get what you want. When sending a character to someone, try to follow their form as much as possible - it's okay if you don't have exactly "a pastel dog" but if they say no humanoids, don't send a crystal gem, etc.

Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Self-explanatory
NSFW Okay?: Yes/No
Gore Okay?: Yes/No
Preferred Themes: Ie. Species, Look, Genre etc
Preferred Colour Schemes: Ie. Pastel, Black and White etc
Fandoms: Any You're Happy Receiving
Big No-Nos: Stuff You REALLY Don't Want
Other: Anything Else Important
I will send a bonus character to the first person who posts!


I did my best

Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Human, Humanoid please!

NSFW Okay?: Yes (but nothing too extreme or fetishy plz)

Gore Okay?: No thank you D:

Preferred Themes: I love modern human characters, witches, misfit kids and all that. 

Preferred Colour Schemes: I like dark colors and soft colors. Not big on neons or super bright/girly stuff.

Fandoms: No thank you <3 

Big No-Nos: Please no heterochromia (different colored eyes), extra eyes, extra limbs, mouths in weird places... eck

Other: Take a peek at my main account, Fvhnto see what I like!


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Humanoid or Anthro preferred, but will accept Feral ;3

NSFW Okay?: Yes

Gore Okay?: Yes, but not excessively so.

Preferred Themes: I like spooky themes(especially skeletons and pumpkins), but honestly anything is fine ;3

Preferred Colour Schemes: I like dark colors with a couple of light ones in the mix; please no neon unless it's a minimal part of the design.

Fandoms: Undertale, Homestuck, Pokemon, Supernatural

Big No-Nos: No cubs or hyper characters(muscle, fat, etc.); no avians or insects/arachnids(moths are an exception)

Other: Female character preferred, but I will also accept male ♡


Well, claim! I did my best ;3;

Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Human/Humanoid and Anthro
NSFW Okay?: Yes!! Please!
Gore Okay?: Yes!! Please!
Preferred Themes: I love dark themes mixed with cute stuff! Satanic themes, femboys, demons, succubi, stuff like that is my favorite <33 My profile has a lot more stuff I like! (Just scroll down ^^)
Preferred Colour Schemes: Anything from pastel and eyestrain to gradients and monochrome
Fandoms: I'm not a big fandom character person, sorry.
Big No-Nos: PLEASE try not to give me a base made character unless you're almost positive I'll connect with them, I have such a harder time finding use for characters made on bases. That's not to say NO bases, but please keep that in mind.
Other: <3


Claim! I hope you like :)

Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: I'd prefer humanoid (No humans)

NSFW Okay?: Absolutely!

Gore Okay?: I'm not a big fan, but if some pieces are gory, I don't mind. (Like if its Halloween art or smth)

Preferred Themes: I like modern or medieval themes! Fantasy is also a HUUUGE plus. I have a massive soft spot for angels, demons, centaurs (Of non-horse species especially. Dragon-taur=insta win) and nagas. Just look at my humanoid characters for pointers.

Preferred Colour Schemes: Doesn't matter. Just no neon, black and red edge, or pastel

Fandoms: None, please!

Big No-Nos: More Kemonomimis. I have enough lol. Also, no base adopts (Unless they come with more non-base art), nothing cutesy, and no extremely muscular characters

Other: Nope! Thanks to whoever fills my request :)



Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Human(oid)
NSFW Okay?: Yes - If it is mild.
Gore Okay?: No
Preferred Themes: High fantasy, Elves, Dwarves, Vikings, Rustic, Elegant, Regal, Long hair, Jewelry, Mysterious, Arabic-styled clothing, Taurs
Preferred Colour Schemes: I like browns and golds quite a bit. Creamy colours, blue, purple, and red as well. Generally as long as there isn't a lot of yellow and the colours mesh well, it is fine.
Fandoms: I'd prefer none, but DnD characters aren't so bad. Provided, of course, they can be used outside of their intended world. Same goes with LotR fan characters.
Big No-Nos: Fan characters from anything I didn't list. Racist or anti-religious characters. Multiple mouths/mouths in odd places. At the moment, no ferals or anthro please. No normal humans or modern/ modern fantasy, please.
Other: For an idea of what I like, here is my favourites


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Humanoids only

NSFW Okay?: No

Gore Okay?: yes (please)

Preferred Themes: Creepy, Killers, Masks (comedy and tragedy)

Preferred Colour Schemes: dark colors (red, blacks, grays)

Fandoms: None 

Big No Nos: Anthros, naked characters, monsters or maimed characters, no fandoms please. Kemonomimis. Please avoid neon colors if you can.

Other: I prefer male characters please!


Claim! I know it says to wait for three posts, but I really think I have something you'd like!

Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: I'd prefer humanoid (No humans)

NSFW Okay?: Absolutely!

Gore Okay?: I'm not a big fan, but if some pieces are gory, I don't mind. (Like if its Halloween art or smth)

Preferred Themes: I like modern or medieval themes! Fantasy is also a HUUUGE plus. I have a massive soft spot for angels, demons, centaurs (Of non-horse species especially. Dragon-taur=insta win) and nagas. Just look at my humanoid characters for pointers.

Preferred Colour Schemes: Doesn't matter. Just no neon, black and red edge, or pastel

Fandoms: None, please!

Big No-Nos: More Kemonomimis. I have enough lol. Nothing too creepy. Also, no base adopts (Unless they come with more non-base art), nothing cutesy, and no extremely muscular characters.

Other: Nope! Thanks to whoever fills my request :)


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Human, Humanoid please!

NSFW Okay?: Yes (but nothing too extreme or fetishy plz)

Gore Okay?: No thank you D:

Preferred Themes: I love modern human characters, witches, misfit kids and all that. 

Preferred Colour Schemes: I like dark colors and soft colors. Not big on neons or super bright/girly stuff.

Fandoms: No thank you <3 

Big No-Nos: Please no heterochromia (different colored eyes), extra eyes, extra limbs, mouths in weird places... eck

Other: Take a peek at my main account, Fvhnto see what I like!


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Human / Humanoid, humans highly preferred! 

NSFW Okay?: Yes

Gore Okay?: No (extremely situational)

Preferred Themes: modern, modern fantasy, elegant looking things rly. Detailed stuff are a huge ++

Preferred Colour Schemes: just not the really bright hurts my eyes ones as it does hurt my eyes... A lot... Extra is they mesh well (top palette choices)

Fandoms: pokemon (not gijinkas) i guess

Big No-Nos: extra limbs, not humans/humanoids, the mimi characters (i have way too much of them)

Other: <3



Human, Anthro, Feral or Other:Human(oid)
NSFW Okay?: Yes - If it is mild.
Gore Okay?: No
Preferred Themes: High fantasy, Elves, Dwarves, Vikings, Rustic, Elegant, Regal, Long hair, Jewelry, Mysterious, Arabic-styled clothing, Taurs
Preferred Colour Schemes: I like browns and golds quite a bit. Creamy colours, blue, purple, and red as well. Generally as long as there isn't a lot of yellow and the colours mesh well, it is fine.
Fandoms: I'd prefer none, but DnD characters aren't so bad. Provided, of course, they can be used outside of their intended world. Same goes with LotR fan characters.
Big No-Nos: Fan characters from anything I didn't list. Racist or anti-religious characters. Multiple mouths/mouths in odd places. At the moment, no ferals or anthro please. No normal humans or modern/ modern fantasy, please.
Other: For an idea of what I like, here is my favourites


Human, Anthro, Feral or Other: Human/Humanoid, or Anthro.

NSFW Okay?: Yes

Gore Okay?: Yes

Preferred Themes: I love space themes <3

Preferred Colour Schemes: Blues, Rainbows, Idk ill take anything thats not like, on the dull side

Fandoms: DBH

Big No-Nos: Please don't give me MAJORLY edgy characters. I dont mind blood n gore but theres like an edge blade, and when you start the feel the blade of the characters edge hit you through the screen, there's a problem oof

Other: None ~ Feel free to took at what i have to see what i like.

Sending an oc now