Selling designs - empty

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 4 years, 4 months ago) by Ethylene

Current freebies:

  • none atm

Currently selling:

  • none atm

Currently up for offers:

  • none atm

Important notes:

  • Some are made on a base that I created. Many are still completely original though. 
  • First come, first served. Payment will be done via paypal.
  • If you wish to resell later on, please don't sell for more than what was originally paid. 
  • Freebies cannot be resold, only traded or gifted away.
  • Please keep me credited as the original creator.
  • Otherwise, feel free to do whatever you wish with the character.

I try to limit myself to only 10 designs for sale at most since I don't want to end up with a hoard of unused stuff. The price of older designs goes down over time until they eventually get moved to the freebie folder. If you don't see a design you like, or if you do but you can't afford to get it, feel free to subscribe to the thread to stay tuned for future updates. Feel free to suggest designs you'd like to see as well in the future!

Alternatively, feel free to check out my art commissions thread if you'd like to commission me for art.



Given Away:


late update but I removed the newly added character coz I gifted her to a friend oops

I'll make a new one asap


added new character


added a new character with some extra info on its page


the Angel Warrior character is now sold! (sale organised via pm on site) 


lolita catboy and nyanbinary witch characters are sold! (sale organized via pm on site) 


wew added a new character


added another character


added new character


really looking to get the older designs out of my hands now so I can make room for new stuff. I've lowered prices even more now and even made one free. 


goth lady is sold! (sale organized via discord) 


I'd love the freebie


Katthekit ah thanks for the interest, but someone had contacted me about them just a few hours before you did. sorry! feel free to come back next time I have freebies available. 


pyromancer is sold! (sale organized via pm) 


the cloud spirit freebie has been given away! (organised via pm onsite) 

I'll hopefully have some new characters available in the next several days


new character added