
not-so-new user to the site, but entirely new to the forums. been out of a job since october due to mental health, so i'm cleaning out some of my older designs and ocs from previous fandoms that i have no interest in anymore so i can have a little cashflow. it's not urgent or anything, so don't feel pressured into buying my stuff, i just like to be clear and honest. buy what you like!
all designs here were created by me, and many come with existing art, i just have no use for them and would rather see them sold to people that will love them and use them!

now lets get down to business.


terms & conditions
* alright, biggest and baddest first, if you can't handle the following statement, then i'm sorry, you might want to leave now: i will not sell to anyone that is openly racist, homophobic, transphobic, or so on. this includes "radfems"/terfs, nazis/neonazis/"alt-right"ers, and other hateful groups. i reserve the right to refuse to sell.
**** in addition, i will not sell to trans fetishists, or really anybody that fetishizes a minority.
**** basically, if you're a decent human being, as i hope most people are, you're welcome to buy and interact/inquire. if i find out you are any of these things behind closed doors, i will blacklist you from further purchases. this will include resale/gifting/trading of my designs to you as well.
* all designs, unless otherwise stated, are allowed to be regifted, traded, sold, etc.
**** usual excerpt related to the above: "Must not be sold for higher than original listing price. Trades and gifting OK. Please contact me when reselling, trading, or transferring design."
* please dont edit or trace my art. thats my one thing. you are allowed to change the design how you wish, but please just make a new image. heck, if you ask me, i might cut you a deal on a new drawing for them since i created them.
**** exception to the above: homestuck characters. you can do whatever you want with the sprites, i don't care.
* also don't remove my signatures. i deserve the exposure. ;n;
* i'd really rather you didn't scrap the old design or keep it around solely for breeding purposes/profit.
* i am willing to hold a design for a few days at most. if you ask me in private, i might be able to offer an extension. all i ask is clear communication!


additional info:
* i am not always on here, but i do try to check in often. if you want to contact me, and i don't respond within a day or two, my twitter and tumblr are linked on my profile! i am happy to chat you up about my adopts.
* most of my stuff will be for $$$$ only. i will note if this is different for a specific character.
* i am fairly new to this whole process! please have patience! ;u;


* to see all of them as they come & go, check my folder!
* click the pictures to be taken directly to their profiles!


$10 ea:
3493710? * 3493613? * 3493598?

$7 ea:
3493776? * 3493723?


this post will be edited and updated as i put up more designs!