Beware: Windoge (Mass Character Theft, Stalking)

Posted 3 years, 1 day ago (Edited 2 years, 6 months ago) by starbovnd

- This beware contains mentions of threats of violence! Please keep this in mind proceeding forward. The user mentioned often uploads unmarked NSFW to his account, so it's strongly advised to not explore his account if you're a minor or are sensitive to that content. Direct links to report him are included within this beware. This thread contains mature content, but since he may target younger artists, it feels necessary to allow anyone to view this post.

3/26/22: Another Twitter cropped up and his has been closed.

3/25/22: @Chad_the_sparkle_dog is the account he's created recently.
Another beware about his behaviour:

3/21/22: Back at it again with a part two

I woke up to a new Twitter follower by a name I recognized instantly- and of course it came alongside some DMs I've also seen before


I block the account, because (if you're reading this Ryan) I have no interest in talking to this individual. I believe nothing will come of it, and would rather not waste my time.
But, after blocking his new account I locked my Twitter.

Not even an hour later, he tries to follow me on an alt account with a different sona as the profile picture.


One look through the "media" section of the account made it obvious it was Ryan's account. The same art from the "OfficialWindoge" account had been posted there too.

If he's targeted you in the past, keep your guard up. He has been quite literally stalking me ever since he first stole Gec back in October, this has been continual for months.
I haven't been able to find his new account (if he has one), but I will update the beware once one is found. I firmly believe that, since he's still trying to go after Gec, he will likely upload her as well as other stolen characters back onto the site.

11/15/21: He's back with another account, and was invited by the same person who's invited him each other time.
Be sure to report him again: (There may still be unmarked NSFW and fetish art in his account- stay safe if browsing!)

11/3/21: He has a new account (There may still be unmarked NSFW and fetish art in his account- stay safe if browsing!)
Report his account here:

He is still stealing characters and reuploading them:



IMG_9612.png?width=209&height=452I'd continue to report him, even if it doesn't keep him off the website for long, it's literally all we really can do until he's banned from the website entirely.

It is also worth noting that all 3 of his accounts, including his previous two that were banned, were all invited by the same user. If you feel the need, it may be worth it to report them for Misconduct / Accomplice in Theft.

10/28/21: admins have got back to myself and many others and let us know his account has been closed!
While thisis great, this is also his 2nd account on the site to be banned, so he could come back. Keep an eye out and stay safe!


This beware contains mentions of threats of violence! Please keep this in mind proceeding forward.

Recently, I was notified of user 
this user had an account previously that seems to have been closed:
(his account does contain fetish content that is left unmarked and unfiltered. Please take caution if you visit his profile.)

I was made aware by another artist that he had reuploaded one of my OCs onto his account with a different name. He didn't use my art specifically, but he did reupload a piece of gift art I receieved of my OC. He then used this piece of art to commission artists for art of the stolen character.

This is the character he's been after, for reference:
His Reupload: (I only have a Discord message to show, but the icon is the gift art I recieved from sparkieXD on twitter)
At one point, he even tried to credit me on two seperate reuploads (that had been deleted by the time I saw them), subscribed to me, authorized me, and then sent me this insulting DM where he literally linked me to his reupload:


All in all, he has reuploaded her about 4 seperate times, deleting the profiles within a day or less of their creation. I'm assuming this is to break direct links to the reuploads and making them harder to track and report.

I contacted another user to let them know that he had also stolen their OC, and they sent me back some quite shocking PSAs and bewares about windoge that I had never seen before.Turns out he is Ryan Hill, the known furry troll with a history for stealing OCs, stalking, harassing, and even making dangerous and violent threats towards furry conventions.
This is the beware I was sent on him:

Along with others I found discussing him and his actions:
> (my twitter post)

I have seen him attempting to commission people to draw my OC on-site, so please look out for him.
I have tried to report him to, and a few of my friends and followers have done the same, but his account still remains up. He has uploaded Gec about 4 different times now, and because he mostly commissions users via etsy, it's hard to tell how many more people he's sent Gec to. He's also made a Facebook account using images of her, as well as a Furaffinity.

I DO NOT RECCOMEND TALKING TO HIM. Considering his past, and that he is a grown man, there likely isn't going to be any use in reasoning with him. I encourage you to simply block him and report any stolen OCs you may see in his account. Again, do not message or harass him, just take the necessary steps to keep yourself away from him.

Here is a direct link to report his account also:

edit 10/4/21: His username has changed!

edit: 10/15/21; More OC's he's stolen

Stolen:  FApFysoWQAksUri?format=jpg&name=large
Real Owner: unknown.png





Beware that he is still keeping up his activity despite "apologizing" and leaving the profiles up.


He also has characters hidden to where only he can see them, which contains stolen characters- some being reuploads of popular fursuiters like Barry the Angel Dragon. Not all the OCs on his account are stolen, but that doesn't negate the amount that still remain up. There are potentially more OCs that he's stolen hidden, so the owners remain unaware.unknown.png
More characters he's taken.
Original Post:


Plushful (sorry if you didn't want to be pinged) but i was looking through that person's characters and they have these two from "lightning-n-barkin" who is the person reported here

the first character is clearly traced off the second character, and i have a feeling the second character is also stolen considering the drastic art change.

their art examples are also *full* of improperly credited art.  not to mention improperly tagged NSFW.


SeraphFallen yeah there is a lot of stuff that shes done that is against the rules 

But when Ive tried to look to see if theres been any bewares about her there isnt any

But I heard from Dan (from Weasyl) that she was threatened by Windoge/Lightning in the past and has never changed her username 

But shes enabled him on more than 1 occasion, since she invited both his known accounts and possibly will keep on inviting him

I only looked into her account tho when I first came across his (4 months ago) and I recognised it again bc I had a bad feeling about her account seeing all of the uncredited base work

There has been a few chars Ive noted that shes stolen (putting all the credit to herself the same as windoge does when he uploads) but shes much more known for the uncrediting work since shes been doing that all this time and hes more known for stealing ocs

This is why I mentioned her bc most people have been affected by Windoge but shes still out needing to be reported as well



I just found them when browsing through recent, and was just about to say the same thing.

They still have untagged fetish content on their account so again, please be careful when looking. They also still have stolen OCs.


He got back almost immediately by Accalia yet again

This is why I advise sending this report ticket as well since shes his accomplice 

Ive labeled mine as misconduct/Accomplice in theft

But if nothing is done about her I will message admin myself


Accalia also happens to have some of the stolen chars from his first account

which none of the chars from the first or second were confiscated and she is the only person in connection to either in way of uploaded stolen design


Has the Accalia user been informed that they still have some stolen ocs on their account?


StagDoe reread pls, Accalia is Windoge's accomplice, shes helped him commit theft on here and has been the one thats invited all of his known accounts
she knows what she and he are doing and thats not good.


Username update (as can be seen from the ticket report for Windoge)

And as for Accalia it seems as if shes bought the right to Windoge (the actual oc)

But there is 2 vers that have been made

One with floppy ears that windoge owns

And one with pointy that she owns

As seen on her fb page


Uploaded oc;



Plushful This screenshot is helpful also and connects his old account to his new.


Yes o: i actually sent a screen of the liberty husky and the gusher with all 3 accounts taken accounted for bc it connects to all 3 accounts as well as kitten's since she currently has an upload of gusher in a report all together bc its easier to keep info together to help with the case nwn/

tho ive learned more through social media and the bewares about windoge but resources are harder to find
but Ive been noting down certain details for reporting both since theyve known each other for a long time (over a few years) but they both still need to own up to not following the community's rules.


(Bump) He's rejoined the website with a new account (invited by the same user as before) and is continuing to reupload stolen OCs. Proof and links have been added to the post.


Thank you for posting !! I hope they get taken down soon,, :(


In case he ever uses this username again