Spoopies! [ Halloween Event - Adopts! ]

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by Xhat

Would you like to own one?

22 Votes Yes!
11 Votes No thanks.
20 Votes I'd like to see where they go first.

First adopts are up!

13764782_X6rDl2drZrDDgxL.pngWelcome to Spooktown.

All joking aside, hello and welcome to my interest check for Spoopies! I'll have had the species for five years come this October, and I'd like to do a little more with them. As you can see, I've started by making a new base, which is displayed off to the side there.

Important notes in regards to their biology/appearance: they're covered in short fur, except for thick fur at the nape of their neck; constantly weeping ectoplasm; their front paws are considerably and comically larger than their back ones.

There isn't much lore to Spoopies yet, as I'm building upon it. However, they're a sentient feral species with an inability to talk verbally. Spoopies might be able to communicate telepathically, but at this time I'm unsure. Otherwise, they're vessels for ghosts that have passed to the afterlife, and are often modeled after that ghosts prominent emotions. The "emotions" are shown through the ghostly specter which serves as their tail. The old description for tails can be found here. I'm also entertaining the idea that they can stand on two legs, making them anthro, as well as potential temporary humanoid forms.

I'd really like to do something ARPG-esque with them, while maintaining that members don't have to participate to own one! There will be earned perks through the ARPG and raffles that can be entered separately. Owners will have the ability to use a base for their design or make their own lines for the official entry.

I'd love to see what everyone thinks of them! Comments are appreciated with what you like about them, or perhaps what you don't like about them and would like to see some variance in. Questions are appreciated as well! :)


DA Group - Toyhouse GroupDiscord

May 3rd notes:

  • Designwise, they will be fairly free range! There may be some specific marks or colour schemes that may be restricted, but it will be few and far in between.
  • There will be specific and standard traits, like tail/ghost types and such, but I will try to keep in inclusive and limit the rare, uncommon, and breed-only traits.
  • Although Spoopies were initially an October-only species, they will now be operating year-round. However, October will still be a special time - asides from the opening event, it will be the only time you can acquire a MYO or gacha slot! I may alternate between the two [one week for myo's, and one week for gachas] so that everyone can pick what they want. I'm thinking your first one or two will be free and afterwards you'll have to earn them. I'll be limiting paid purchases so that the group is inclusive, and won't be utilizing it during this specific event.
  • There may be an ARPG, but it's not mandatory! You can just own a Spoopie and let it chill with the rest of your characters. There will be raffles for all, so that those who don't participate in the ARPG or are too shy can just post a form and earn the very same things. 
  • Lore for Spoopies is in the works, but it will be a guideline - meaning that if you don't participate, you don't have to follow the lore to a T. The ARPG will have some requirements, but I'd like for people to do a lot with this species and not worry about rigid requirements! 
  • The opening event will host a monitored MYO event - you'll be given the traits currently available and all designs will have to be approved by me! Although, as said before, it's more so trait-based and designs have many possibilities.
  • Given that Spoopies are vessels, they do not necessarily have to have a sex, however you are able to gender them as male, female, or non-binary! It would most likely align for who that Spoopie was during their lifetime. Spoopies, when breeding comes along, will be able to breed with any other of their kind.
  • I've been asked why Spoopies take the form of a canine-like creature, and not something creepier and scarier. So, here some explanation if anyone is curious:
  • It's widely known that people - or, most people - believe dogs to be man's best friend. Souls who have passed on and present themselves as ghosts can prove to be scary or intimidating, and often they find themselves in hot water or drifting aimlessly. Spoopies, the grinning, goofy vessels, offered them a chance to live out their days in the afterlife without being subject to the fright of humans. Mind you, they can still scare humans, but Spoopies tend to stick in their own communities, only fraternizing with humans when they come to the Spoopies. Although the dog-like vessels may weep excessively and may not look like the friendliest at first, Spoopies are found to be far better company than something that you can't see. Also, I designed them to look somewhat goofy lol.

This seems like a pretty cool idea for a species! Especially with the possibility of an ARPG (And still being able to own one without putting it into that ARPG). I'd love to see what you continue to do with these guys!


RyuWarrior Thanks so much for the support! nvn

I've also updated the main post with some add-ons that I thought of/explanations of some questions that I have been asked previously!


I love this idea!!! Literally I took one look at this and I immediately fell in love with the different types of spoopies and just everything about them!

I also love how the ARPG isn’t mandatory and you can still own one without participating in it!

This is a really interesting idea that should get more recognition :)


Soulili Thank you!! I’m glad that you like Spoopies so much! <3


A few things. First, they're really cute! Second, I'm much better at drawing feral species than anthro ones. Third, I've been looking for an ARPG species to get into. And fourth, I like the lore you've put into them already!


KymPerson Thank you for your input and your praise! nvn

Just a note to anyone reading that I will be adding a link to a google doc later tonight - it will contain the full list on everything about Spoopies, and will serve as the main place I will update/post information.


The official google doc has now been posted!! :D 

Lore and Biology are now up to date - I'm currently working on the rest of the document, but the rest is available for viewing. <3

Edit: The official DA group is now up, too! Please check the doc for the link.


Aaaand another update: The basic visual species sheet has been finished and posted to deviantart! Click here to see it.   This means that we're getting closer and closer to the MYO and opening event!


May 22nd, 2019: A visual guide to traits has been uploaded! :D


These are very interesting, I like them! I'll definitely stick around for the opening event.


TheSaltyZoroark Glad to hear that you like Spoopies! The more the merrier! :D


SilverStarStudio Hello! As of right now MYO [make your own] Spoopies are not available, but if you stick around there will be an opening MYO event. :)



Visuals for the Spoopies totems are now up on my DA! The posts info has been pasted below:

"It is said that they, upon coming into contact with these totems, transform into something utterly new."

As mentioned in the lore, Spoopies usually don't occur by natural means - they build their physical forms by having a spirit attach itself to one of these special spoopies-inspired totems. As their world is very similar to ours, totems can vary in their likeness, and can be inspired be multiple cultures. The most common in North America, as pictured, are totems inspired by the totem poles that some of the Indigenous peoples create as monuments.



NPCs/Starters are now up! :D

Check them out here.