
Posted 4 years, 10 days ago (Edited 3 years, 8 months ago) by Dino-Guts

Skepsels are small intelligent creatures that love food of all sorts! They are closed species but there are ways to earn and egg of your own!

As you can see, they have no eyes and instead have sensory pits on the top of their face that detect infrared. They also have small whiskers, and a great sense of hearing to aid in moving around.
The personality is somewhere between a very intelligent dog and raccoon.


They come in all sorts of colors with many different kinds of markings! It really depends on what they have eaten! This fella above loves cherries. Black cherries if he has a choice.

They reside in caves, forests, and cool places. Since their primary sensory is infrared they rely on cool areas to detect other creatures easily. When in warmer climates they will feel around with their nose, hands, horns, and whiskers.
When born they are can be any shade from white, to grey, to black while the mouth is usually a solid or gradient color. Their mouth and legs stay the same shade for their entire life.
Their coat changes until they are full grown then will remain the same color and markings for the rest of their life. The mask, tail, and claws can change color with time based on what they consume. Things such as mushrooms that could be considered poisonous or harmful to most creatures are easily consumed and digested by Skepsels. This also includes rocks and gems.

If you have made it this far, thank you! Feel free to ask any questions!
They are a closed species but there will be ways to obtain free ones!

Want a Skepsel? I will have some 
open for adoption here.
You can find the 
master list here and info on how to make your own here.
As well as a Discord!
Want to commission a custom Skepsel or MYO egg design? Go here!
I will offer eggs and freebies here and there so please check in! 


Are you in an area that you could take a walk in? If not maybe put on some soft music and let your mind wander?
Egg on the way!
I thought about plants but didn't even consider taking on traits of animals. I like that a lot!
Standing upright on average they would be around 4 feet or 1.2 meters. While crawling half that.

You are very welcome! Thank you for joining!


Naomie Yes! The benefit of an egg is that you can save it for later or attach traits and mutations before it hatches making them permanent.

On that note would you all like the option to have myself or any approved artist hatch the egg for you?


DissoDragon Could you please? I'm afraid if I designed them myself, I would be breaking any potential rules ><" <3 


Naomie Will do! I'm working on getting a more public than Discord example so either way there will be a more accessible list!


DissoDragon Thank you! Please tell me when I can hatch the egg! <3<3


Here is are some quick simple examples:

Hope they help, let me know if you have any questions!


I updated the first post everyone! The DA group will be a gradual growth as I have a bunch of commissions I need to do!


How are you today?

I’m good! a bit tired because it’s early, but that’s okay :)

Are you more interested in an egg or making your own?

I think an egg would be good, if it’s not too much trouble lol

Would you be interested in seeing a painted style for pre-made adoptables for these vrs a flat color?

I really like you painting style, but I feel in adopts it could be hard to get all the details right for someone else to draw them, if you know what I mean lol

What sort of traits or mutations do you think would be cool to add?

I think more horn types would be awesome, maybe a mutation for them to grow uneven horns?  Like one would be curved back or something while the other is shorter and straighter? I think that’s could make some cool ones! Lol

Different tail types would be awesome as well!

Any questions for me?

Am I too late to enter? :’)


Sometimes naps can help a lot!
I'll throw an egg your way shortly!
I do, thank you for sharing!
I did not think about uneven horns, love it! There are tons of types though but I'm saving the more complicated for special events.
I have plans for there being special tails later. Keep your eyes peeled!
Not at all! It goes until the... 13th of July!


Anyone who has an egg right now can send me a message with an idea of what you would like. Please, please read all the species info on the first post!
If you can't decide on a design and want a random pup let me know! I'll hatch it for you or if you would likeVandHund can also hatch them for you.
From here on out they will be MYO only or you will have to commission any approved artist.


Thanks for the egg!! This species is super cool! :) And I'm very glad I'm not late lol