Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 3 years, 4 months ago) by Junqmail


Hello Sprouts! Its finally time for our grand opening! In order to celebrate this we're giving everyone a chance to get a FREE MYO TICKET!

You do NOT have to be a first time owner in order to grab one, just make sure you read all of the rules and follow all of the steps to get creating!

30739572_RXkkVuyLH8m5izJ.pngHere are the resources you'll need to create a Klinkling30739572_RXkkVuyLH8m5izJ.png

Anatomy GuideĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Traits ListĀ Ā  Ā  Ā Ā Examples of Klinklings


30739572_RXkkVuyLH8m5izJ.pngHOW TO GET A MYO30739572_RXkkVuyLH8m5izJ.png

Step 1: Join the group!

Click Here to go to the group!Ā 

Step 2: Comment!

Leave a comment saying you joined the group to get a Common/Uncommon MYO Ticket!

Want other traits on your ticket?

Create a bulletin on TH and add it to your comment to get a Rare Ticket! Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Tag three friends in your comment with the bulletin to get an Ultra Rare MYO Ticket!

30739572_RXkkVuyLH8m5izJ.pngWANT MORE THAN ONE TICKET?30739572_RXkkVuyLH8m5izJ.png

Visit our MYO ShopĀ HEREĀ to purchase tickets!


Make an account with ourĀ BANKĀ and earn Apple Coins through art to buy one that way!


Common/Uncommon: $5

Rare: $10

Ultra Rare: $15

Mythic: $20


Hi - I made a bulletin (https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/242290.another-cs), and Moowoman, Auria, Alyssandra are my tags (sorry guys). This is sooo cute omg - is there a base btw?


EtherealMiroh Welcome to the group! :)

You have claimed an Ultra Rare Ticket!


It can be traded or gifted but not sold

Unfortunately i havent been able to make a base quite yet! sorry about that!


oh! completely forgot to say i joined in this thread omg
hiiii i joined the group sdfjslf


necrobvby Hello! Welcome to the group! :3c

You have claimed an Ultra Rare Ticket!


It can be traded or gifted but not sold


Made a bulletin here !
Tags are my pals, sorry for the tags fellas, a homie gotta do her thang.
glitchyguts FluffTarts ThriftAtDusk

Does this mean I get.. both a rare ticket and an ultra rare ticket or just the ultra rare ticket? šŸ¤”


necrobvby actually it means you get that common/uncommon ticket upgraded to an ultra rare! you arent able to grab more than one free ticket from this event :0


Junqmail ohhh, heard heard! alrighty! thanks! sorry for me bein all confused šŸ˜­ (also, lol this was pretty meta of us having two convos at once in two different places šŸ˜³)


necrobvby youre all good! these types events can definitely be confusing sometimes :0c


AutumnSpots Welcome to the group! :)

You have claimed an Ultra Rare Ticket!


It can be traded or gifted but not sold



Np - tysm!


sent a world request! bulletinĀ pings: Xyith perchance Dequty (sorry bros pfft)

this is a super cute species btw!! can't wait to make one <3


spaghettiOs Ā 

Welcome to the group! Thanks for joiningĀ Ā 

You've claimed an Ultra Rare ticket!


This ticket can be traded or gifted, but not sold!

Also if you'd like to join our discord! It's not very active right now but you'll get faster responses to questions, and updates about our group!

Discord Link!

I'm so happy you like them! we've been trying to get them to take off for a while so seeing everyone so happy about them is amazing!



Welcome to the group! Thanks for joining Ā Ā 

You've claimed an Ultra Rare ticket!


This ticket can be traded or gifted, but not sold!

Also if you'd like, Ā join our discord! It's not very active right now but you'll get faster responses to questions, and updates about our group!

Plus once there's enough members we're planning on doing discord exclusive raffles and things!

Hope to see you there real soon!

Discord Link!

I have this link here for the traits, let me know if you can see them here and if not we'll try to fix the issue on our end somehow!
