Posted 3 years, 29 days ago (Edited 3 years, 27 days ago) by SaltySorbet






Octotimeria is a race of anthropomorphic fish-reptiles that live in warm sea and ocean waters. These are tall, elegant creatures with a well-developed lateral line and marvelous reflexes. With their bodies covered with smooth skin (rarely with velvet or scales, that of a lizard), lean and graceful in stature, they feel one with the water. However, there’s no reason to think that Octotimerias don’t have the ability to live on land as well. On the contrary, they spend a lot of the time on dry land, settling islands and building great towns as well as picturesque villages..

The beak, hook-like talons and teeth, as well as long powerful arms and fast reflexes make Octotimerias amazing hunters both in the water and on land. This species prefers fish and insects as food but they also are up for some plant-based sustenance. The hunting is made easy for Octotimerias thanks to the tentacles on their bodies that grow out of their valvular tail, as well as, from under the fins located on shoulders and hips. Tail tentacles are the longest out of all of them. They can be twice as long as the Octotimeria itself. However, the feelers that grow from under the fins don’t get so big in length. Tentacles can differ both in shape and texture, varying based on how rare these features are. What’s peculiar about Octotimerias is that they are known for very quick metamorphosis processes that help their bodies adapt to different biomes. Once they come in contact with water, they switch to filtering air with their gills; their fingers become elongated and webbed. Their eyes get covered by an additional palpebral, nose and pharynx separate.

The change through adapting to the water or land environment is not the only type of metamorphosis Octotimerias undergo. Depending on necessity, these creatures can change (or fully get rid of) their biological sex. Their reproduction is similar to spawning: once a year eggs develop, which, after a successful fertilization, will gestate. Parents carry the eggs in a special sack, located a little bit lower of the stomach area. After the egg(s) develop into baby(-ies), they stay in the same sack for some time. As a rule, the baby(-ies) leaves the parental sack after 3-4 months. Octotimerias become of age once they turn 20 years old. The lifespan of this species varies from 200 to 3000 years.


✦ Free MYO events
During Free MYO Event (FME), you can create your own octotimeria for free. Event MYO slots can't be sold, but can be gifted, traded etc.
MYO event octotimerias can have common-rare traits.
So, when another MYO event will be started? I don't know! Check the updates!

You can get common MYO in weekly raffle or royal-undead MYO in monthly raffle. Raffled MYO's cant' be sold, but can be traded, gifted etc.

✦ Events
For a rule, events start simultaneously with the holidays (Valentine's day, Halloween, lunar New Year etc). Events always have a theme!
During the event you can get adoptables, MYOs, and traits of undead or individual type.

✦ Purchase
The easiest way to have an octotimeria - adoptables or MYOs purchase!
Average adoptable price: 40$-120$ (fixed price)
SB for auctions: 60$
You can find the MYO and traits prices below!

MYO typeTraits unlockedPrice
Common octotimeriaCommon & uncommon20$
Royal octotimeriaCommon-Royal traits30$
Undead octotimeriaCommon-Undead traits40$

So, what's the ticket?
Ticket gives you unlimited access to all traits of choosed group. Ticket can be used on all of your MYOs.

*Undead and Individual traits and ticket are unavailable for purchase! You need to wait for open slots for this.

Type of traitsPrice for 1Price for ticket


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