🗝️ Harpy Crossbreed + FREE MYOS! KALLITRIX CS ʚ♡ɞ

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Edited 1 year, 19 days ago) by yurouzuya

Hi all! This is my first time posting on toyhou.se, so please forgive any formatting mistakes.

My friend and I's discord is officially open for our semi-closed species, Kallitrix!


⋆⋅Our official discord: CLICK ME! (Contact me on discord at @yurouzuya if the link is expired!*)⋅⋆

*(You can add me as a friend if the DMs aren't working!)

⋆⋅Our TH world is now live! Come take a look and join us!⋅⋆

*NEW CROSSBREED* HARPYKALLIS:harpykallitiers.pngharpykallikeypromo.png?width=696&height=*open in new tab for larger resolution!*

Previous Adopt Designs!:



Kallitrix are a HUMANOID species. There are three covens for your Kalli to join, Imperium, Veritas, and Sacrementum.


These are our Twin Kallitrix mascots, Locke and Key! 

Brief About Species:

In a modern world where the existence of magic is popularized, Kallitrix are the witches' solution to a growing demand and dwindling supply. The first Kalli was brewed centuries ago, and they were far and few between due to the difficult potion making process. Modern advancements and a better understanding of soul essence has expedited this process.

Kallitrix are created from a potion mix with a defining main ingredient, which can be anything from a medicinal herb to a spice/toxic plant to a ground-up crystal, and so on. This is then paired with distilled soul essence, a property of life that can only be collected from creatures with a conscience. Each unique potion is then bottled and placed into a Kalli's vitral so that they may draw upon it to fuel their life and magic. 

When Kallitrix are born, their witch can imbue them with as much magical knowledge as they please. This allows most Kallis to enter the world with a firm grasp of magic and sense of purpose. Personalities are randomized, lending an element of unpredictability to brewing Kallis.

Many Kalli have 'regular' jobs, but their shared goal is to procure Soul Essence from humans in order to boost their coven's standing in the magical world.


Kallitrix Traits:

Kallis are prideful creatures, and they love showing off their horns. Even the most laidback Kalli carefully maintains their horns! All Kalli horns carry a faint, bioluminescent pattern on them, whether they be stripes or another design. They light up when a Kalli is using magic or experiencing a strong emotional response.


Top to bottom: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Ultra Rare

A Kalli's lifeblood and source of magic comes from their potion. They can do basic magic easily, but stronger magic will consume some of their potion. If a potion bottle is empty or broken, its Kalli will begin to starve to death. However, they can either use the main ingredient in their original potion or some of their hair, which also contains faint soul essence, to replenish the potion temporarily. Only witches can fully brew and rebrew a Kalli.


Potion bottles are stored in a reinforced glass window called the Vitral. These compartments are typically located in the chest, torso, neck, and leg area. Potion bottles remain suspended inside the vitral's space for protection and for your Kalli's ease of access if they ever need a refill. The vitral can be damaged, but it takes enormous force or magic to do so. Vitral can also become cracked under extreme emotional duress. Your Kalli can open and close their own vitral at will. Vitral's default shape is a wraparound rectangle, but this shape can be freely altered. The color of vitral can also be changed.



More detailed information about Kallis, their lore, and what you can do with them can be found in our discord server!

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧CURRENT FREE MYO EVENT:✧ : – ⭒

For New Members: 
1. Comment your TH username
2. Comment your discord username
3. Join our discord server + TH world! (+1 Common Key)
4. Tag up to three friends (+1 Uncommon Key)
5. Comment with a link to this post in a bulletin or journal! (+1 Rare Trait Key)



More details about upcoming events will be available in our server!

We are considered semi-closed because we offer regular ways to obtain server currency, which you can then use to purchase MYO keys, upgrade keys, and bid on adopts. All of this is FREE, and no money is needed to enjoy this species. All we ask is that you join our small group so we can all make characters together! <3 We will be looking for guest artists and mods in the near future. 

The server sometimes has 16+ content. Anyone is welcome to join, but please exercise caution!






Here are some more examples of what Kalli can look like!:


We also have server badges now, wow! The more Kallis you make, the more badges you get! 

Each badge comes with more server currency!



Hello (and bump!) from the other co-founder! :D Glad to see people enjoying our species for the past few years and excited for what's in store!


Bumping again! Also our New Year's event is still underway and we have some new worldbuilding and crossbreed-related content coming up later :)


Bump from me! So excited for more people to join us and make friends!


1. Comment your TH username: foxietearz_
Comment your discord username:
  。・ ┊͙ motti ☆#0707
Join our discord server + TH world! (
+1 Common Key): I just joined  
Tag up to three friends (+1 Uncommon Key):
Lookie FowlMowth Tatumminatie
5. Comment with a link to this post in a bulletin or journal! (+1 Rare Trait Key): https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1193047.kallitrix-myo-event


BUMPING. New year event still going on!


Bump! We've got a lot of things planned for the near future, but especially for our 3rd anniversary in June... eyes emoji.


Comment your TH username  SoftRainDroplets
2. Comment your discord username 
 🌸 ~ conchita#4748
3. Join our discord server + TH world! (+1 Common Key) 
 World pending, will join discord shortly
4. Tag up to three friends (+1 Uncommon Key) 
 Zombebe  makkiatokun StrawbiiMilk
5. Comment with a link to this post in a bulletin or journal! (+1 Rare Trait Key) bulletin


I have a question- I’ve been in the th world and discord for quite a bit but I recently left the discord, would that make me a new member or an existing one ;;


Sonflowerr Hm, it's up to you! Another one of our former members decided to rejoin and more or less restart, so I'm sure we can accommodate whatever you want :)


1. Comment your TH (+1 Uncommon Key): Sonflowerr

2. Tag up to three friends (+1 Rare Key): Rinni @konbini-kitty brineshrimp (super sorry for the pings, please understand and don’t be mad at me ;; also you guys can ping me in whatever!!)

3. Comment with a link to this post in a bulletin or journal! (+1 UR Trait Key): https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1215496.myo-event-0 


1. Comment your TH username: satyrsketches
2. Comment your discord username:
3. Join our discord server + TH world! (+1 Common Key):
4. Tag up to three friends (+1 Uncommon Key):
 DoodlingDucky unrrsl 
5. Comment with a link to this post in a bulletin or journal! (+1 Rare Key): 


bump <3


TH username: valiant-quest

Discord username: quest#7212

Joined world and discord

Tagging lovegrub

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1229166.myo-event


1. Comment your TH username: PastelWhile
2. Comment your discord username: 
3. Join our discord server + TH world! (+1 Common Key): 
4. Tag up to three friends (+1 Uncommon Key): 
mawile94 brineshrimp PuppyWuppy (Get ping-ponged)
5. Comment with a link to this post in a bulletin or journal! (+1 Rare Trait Key): 