Specillu (Open Species!)

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by FearMePlease

Have you ever looked into the eyes of your reflection for too long and gotten a strange feeling, like something wasn’t quite right?

Legend says that the first Specillu (short for Specular Illusions) was Narcissus himself, who became so deeply enraptured by his own reflection on the water that he looked too deeply into his eyes, and his soul fell out through them into the reflective space, forever trapped and leaving behind the body he loved so much to look at. He spent hundreds of years yearning to get back to it, possessing the most beautiful people who locked eyes with their reflections a few moments too long and left the windows to their souls open for the taking. Narcissus would kick out the previous occupant and send them into the mirror space, but could not resist his beautiful reflection for long and continuously found himself back where he started, discarding the soulless body and leaving the poor souls he trapped in the mirrors to fend for themselves or find their own bodies. 

Every inhabitable mirror surface is connected to the same realm and serves as a window into the pocket of space behind reflections. It's a cold place, large and dark, the only lights to be seen coming from the mirrors the Specillu look out at the world from. There is no sound, no time, and the inhabitants do not need to breathe, eat, sleep, or even have a single heartbeat the entire duration of their stay. Because they are behind the reflections, the Specillu can never see themselves, a devastating fact when so many of them are the type to be concerned with their appearance, as looking in the mirror too much is what got them there in the first place. Many Specillu find themselves sticking close to a mirror once they catch of glimpse of someone pretty they like to see often or wish to take over the body of. The more time they spend around a particular mirror, the more they change to look like it, their horns taking on the material and shape of decorative scrollwork or other such things. They don’t like to live in the mirror space, so the more malicious or desperate ones will take a soul’s place when given that opportunity, inhabiting someone’s body and kicking their victim out to take their place in the mirror. Taking over a body at a young age can be a confusing experience after a while and some specular illusions may come to believe that they are the original inhabitants of their host.

Any forgetful Specillu can easily remember who they are is when they re-enter the mirror space and read the tags attached to their souls. A Specillu's tail acts as a reminder of who they were, an identification that sets their soul apart from the other lost ones roaming the in-between places like the mirror dimension. It often has meaningful phrases or images that tie into their souls, and their lives are written out on them. The scrolls grow longer with each possession, as their lives are recorded only outside the mirror space. 

Some of these Illusions have been known to whisper things to whoever owns their mirror, causing mischief or helping people out depending on the individual Illusion's morals and what they believe the person deserves. They have made deals in the past to spy through other mirrors and report back to the owner of the mirror as well.

Breaking a mirror that one of these Specular Illusions dwells in will result in a strong grudge that humans tend to perceive as bad luck. They latch onto the nearest reflective surface and hound after the person, tormenting them until either a new mirror is brought into the home for them to move into, they catch the owner’s gaze long enough to take over the body, or they lose strength and fade away (usually seven years).




Humanoid, with furred, deer-like legs that end in points with no hooves. They have sharp canines and pointed ears. Skin and fur can be any color/pattern, and they can have any hairstyle. Specillu eyes do not reflect light.


When designing your Specillu, make sure to include their mirror on their ref. These mirrors are their homes and they are never far away from them. 

The rarer the mirror form, the more easily a Specillu is to be able to pop in and out of it and influence the real world.


They can't live in just any mirror. Older ones work best, and specific materials have much higher occurrences than others. Since many of these are quite ancient, there can be any number of defects that can be added, like warping, corroding, cracks, etc. You don't need any special rarities to add those.

The rarer the material, the more powerful/strong the Specular Illusion inside it.


Tails are made from paper scrolls and attached with thread. They have beads, tassels, and charms that are completely customizable.

Scrolls can be painted or drawn on in any number of ways.

There is a lot of freedom with tails to do whatever makes your heart happy. As long as it stays paper and includes the beads, tassel, and charms, you can go wild with it.


Add-ons to the scroll are not seen often, but it does happen. 


The decorations/scrollwork on the mirror frame determines what the horns will look like. 

For a scrying bowl, it can be from decoration on the bowl itself, or from objects floating in it if you so choose.

The material of the frame (metal, wood, crystal, etc) determines horn material.

These have no limits and no rarities.

Each month has a set of optional extra traits that are only available for that time of year, or with a special ticket. They do not have rarities, anyone can use the traits from the current month even with a common ticket.


- A shiny bauble mirror

- A scroll that has been folded and cut to resemble a snowflake

-  A frozen surface that forms an ice mirror.


- A mirror inside a locket

- A scroll that's shaped like a valentine (can be customized with lace, glitter, stickers, glue, whatever you want for no rarity)

- A scroll folded into an envelope with something meaningful written inside and sealed with wax or a sticker.


- A lucky four leaf clover for a scroll

- Legally distinct lucky marshmallows to use as charms

- A rainbow scroll


- A decorative faberge egg with reflective insides

- sprout/flower horns

- Animal ears


- Pride month is all about expressing yourself! Use the traits from any month as you see fit.


- A piece of beach glass for a mirror

- A kite scroll

- A wind bell scroll with one or more 'bells' made from glass or porcelain


- One eye is replaced with a gem from the mirror frame

- One or more limbs are replaced with a piece of the mirror frame

- Multiple scroll tails


- fall leaves as scrolls

- candles for horns

- bare branch horns


For this special Opening MYO Event (Aug 11th - Sept 1st), everyone who favorites Koi and comments will receive 1 Rare ticket.

Making a bulletin will upgrade you to an Ultra-Rare ticket.

Pinging three or more people will upgrade you to a Legendary ticket.

Any feedback/suggestions for lore or traits would be greatly appreciated, and if I use something you suggest, you will be rewarded with an Unlimited MYO ticket with access to all traits, including all monthly limited traits reserved for other times of the year. If I plan to use multiple of your suggestions, you can receive multiple tickets.

All tickets for this event will expire after 1 month. (with the exception of Unlimited tickets, which expire after two months).

If you need a base to make it easier, there's a simple one here that you can download and use. Make sure you credit me.

To Recieve A Ticket:

Username (no @) // faved? // bulletin? // pings? // suggestions?

It's the first anniversary of Specular Illusions!

Comment to receive 1 Rare MYO ticket.

Making a bulletin will upgrade you to an Ultra-Rare MYO ticket.

Pinging three or more people will upgrade you to a Legendary MYO ticket.

Any feedback/suggestions for lore or traits would be greatly appreciated, and if I use something you suggest, you will be rewarded with an Unlimited MYO ticket with access to all traits, including all monthly limited traits reserved for other times of the year. If I plan to use multiple of your suggestions, you can receive multiple tickets.

To Recieve A Ticket:

Username (no @) // bulletin? // pings? // suggestions?

Tickets have no expiry date, so if you're wanting to use traits for a later month, you can wait until then to create the Specillu.

If you need a base to make it easier, there's a simple one here that you can download and use. Make sure you credit me.


I don't have the time, energy, or social skills to run a species yet, so create as many as you want with any rarity.


- Comment here if you create a character, and please put them IC or link to them so I can continue to update the list

- Remember to credit me for the species and link to here in character profiles

- You may make as many as you want for yourself, but my permission is required before making adopts for others

- The monthly traits are still in effect. (If you make a Specillu in August, you can't use November traits, etc.)


nothing right now, check back later


nothing now, check back later

MYO Approval Form:

Ref // Ticket Rarity // Traits Used


If enough people are interested, I'll make a toyhouse world to add them to and maybe create a few events where you can win species-related prizes like more tickets, or raffles for adopts of this species.


001 - Summer Koi

002 - TBN


SpiritX - non-RLC/point raffles



You've recieved 1 Ultra-Rare ticket!

Your suggestions are all really good and thought-provoking, and I'm going to type up some stuff to answer those questions later, so I'm also giving you three Unlimited tickets! 

You can post your designs here for approval, or dm them to me, whatever you prefer. 


Username: checkeredbow

Faved: Yup! c:


checkeredbow you get 1 Rare ticket!

SpiritX- I'll make sure to let you know, and add you to a pinglist. Thank you so much for the interest!


kiichi (no @) // yep! // Here // I’m too shy to ping someone andbbs // maybe a strong kind of them can control a big amount of people :o? Like puppets , or posses a non human body like dolls / Animals , or if there’s a broken mirror trait that gives the illusion of beginning multiple of them and confuse other people would b cool :D

also is there a way to use a trait from other month rn :o?


Kiichi one Ultra-Rare ticket is yours! 

You have some cool ideas to consider there, so I'll also give you two Unlimited tickets! And the unlimited tickets have access to traits from all months, so you can go ahead and use whatever you want for them ^^


Aa Tysm <3! I will do my myo asap!


Username: koolwench
Faved?: Yes!
Bulletin?: Right here!


Oh hey SpiritX , I'm so sorry, I kind of dropped it due to the lack of interest but I'm glad you're still interested in the concept! And don't worry about the expiration date, it's all good, you can go ahead and make it anyway. 

Maybe I'll try to do a relaunch. I'll update this post with some stuff and see how it goes.


koolwench Ultra-Rare Ticket is yours! Have fun ^^


Oooh this concept is so cool. It's so my aesthetic and the lore omg

Username: samuraiwolf

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/921277.pspspsps-cmere

Ping: pinging just the one homie ayee Lethe y'know why i pinged you frfr 

Suggestions: a th world or a discord to submit the myo or keep track of them would be coolio


hi I'm here nomnomnom

Username: Lethe

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/921448.-cs-specillu-myo-event-uwu

suggestions: some sort of NPC/mascot design event owo I really like the monthly special traits btw!!


Samuraiwolf ah, I'm so glad you like it! 

One Ultra Rare + one Unlimited ticket for the suggestion, I'm going to set up a world soon.

Lethe an Ultra Rare + an Unlimited for you as well, a mascot design event is a great idea, thank you!