โ Suga Creeps โž


Focal Image by SaintLapin

โคย MYO Guideย โคย World Linkย โคย Charactersย โคย Adoptsย โค

โ What Are Suga Creeps? โž

Suga Creeps are little monsters Based off of sweet treat. They are an aesthetic Species.

They have 6 sub races

Vampire, Demon, Werewolf, Spider, Ghost and Zombie

ย They come in 3 different raritiesย 

Ordinary, Uncommon and Rare

Their whole design is based off of one sweet treat

There are so many design Options! Visit theย MYO Guideย for more info!


โ Adopts โž


Current GA:ย StephdenStrange

Click the Image to see their adopts! More adopts in spoiler!

โˆผ Adopts โˆผ

Adopts are made by guest artists and 100% of the profit goes to them!

View Current Adoptsย HERE

or Click on these Images to see the adopts!



โ Guest Artists โž


Focal Image by SaintLapin

Info in spoiler

โˆผ Guest Artists โˆผ

Looking for Guest Artists! GAs can make their own character of any rarity, and can also make adopts to trade and sell! All profit will go to the GA, I will just promote their adopts linking them and sending all traffic their way! You also get a personal free rare MYO Ticket. I am also looking for GAs to make giveaway characters. All credit and profits will go to the artist, and you will be forever featured on our Guest Artist Page. I will message you if I am interested in working with you!

โˆผ Apply โˆผ

  • Commentย Comment saying you want to GA for the species!
  • Examples Link/show examples of your art & designs.
  • Adopts? Let me know if you would make adopts for the species.
  • Giveaway? Let me know if you would make a giveaway character.


Entering for raffle.ย 

In world, Faved both characters and agree to the tos.ย 


I have the mascot faved and am in the world! ย May I enter the raffle?



Yes, but you have to agree to the terms in your comment to enter โคย 



Oop! ย I agree to TOSย 


Hiya, I would love to apply to be a guest artist ! Iยดm fine with making adopts and doing Giveaway designs~

My examples are here : https://toyhou.se/Keinacea/created and my art is here : https://toyhou.se/Keinacea/art


joined the world already and faved mascot https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/897401.cool-thing-nm-


Didi everything, here's the bulletin! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/897431.diabetes-creepies-look-at-them

I would like both a MYO and a special trait :]



am already in the world and have favourited the mascot previously!!! :] ย would love both the special trait and uncommon MYO!!!

may I ask, can I use the uncommon MYO and the special trait on two different suga creeps?


Driftveill dandikix

Confirmed โค You have until September first to use your MYO Ticket and Special Trait, Thanks!


Confirmed โค You have until September first to use your MYO Ticket and Special Trait. You can only use the special trait on one Suga Creep unfortunately! The Uncommon MYO you got is only available until September 1st.ย 

You can only use it to upgrade an Ordinary Suga Creep to Uncommon, or to make one new Uncommon Suga Creep! Hope that helps!


Join the world, favourite mascot and bulletin



Requested to join world, favorited mascot, & made a bulletin! :)



Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/898294.suga-creeps-event Joined the world and favorited the mascot! May I get both special trait and uncommon myo ?


Kittycat0609 newtonsbeloved Axcu

Confirmed โค You have until September 1st to use your MYO Ticket and Special Trait, Thanks!