✦│⌛🤍 Eisangelia [semi-closed]

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 4 months ago) by elusiveknives

Long ago, the Universe created four beings known as the Pillars. Airla, Malik, Zelos, Gaia, all four loved their mother dearly, and in exchange for their given life, they offered the Universe a more convenient way to guide souls to the afterlife. The pillars found a layered dimension with five realms. In each realm, an apex predator was slain for their parts. One by one, the Pillars stitched together the first Eisangelia, frankensteined from the legendary beasts. Over the course of many years, Eisangelia civilization began.


Everyone is eligible to claim 1 free token in order to make a common Eisangel

Monthly MYO sales and free raffles

In-depth lore for character development

Quests and stories to earn items and badges

TH Username: Suppe

Bulletin link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1065033.eisangelia-lanching-finally-d

Joined the Discord Server: Yup! Suppe#2776

Joined the World: Requested!

Tagging: Rameroli zombuni vilebambi


Toyhouse User: Smugeru

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1065055.eisangelia-launch-woo

Please let us know if you joined the discord: Yes! (Geru #1332)

Joined the world: Yes

Tagging: kai_strawberry NotExactlyAName DelthaAllstar


Toyhouse User: Sulkie

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1065054.eisangelia-launch-

Joined Discord: Water Bottle#4185

Already Joined World

PING! rinri0527 I always see you making lil CS designs so I thought you might be interested in joining this one too:3


Toyhouse User: Dez

Bulletin Link: Here

Please let us know if you joined the discord: Joined #Dez9006

Pinging XXLilithofthedeadXX Zombebe DrCorvid DragonTAYT (thought you all might like these)


Toyhouse User: toa_stx

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1065060.eisangelia-myo-event

Please let us know if you joined the discord: joined! (toast#4163)

Joined the world: yep!

Tags: CinderedCider, RAMBITE & Cyber-Dem0n


Toyhouse User: Rameroli

Bulletin Link: Here!

Joined the world + discord (#7760)

seraphiim zombuni Suppe (sorry for pings!)


Toyhouse User: rinri0527

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1065071.cs-launch-event

Joined world + dc (RinRi#3226)

tagging chigowuf


Toyhouse User: power-of-no

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1065063.eisangelia-luanch-event

joined discord server: yes, pan-da-panda#9004

joined world: sent in a request 

tagging:VulpesAmanita kenzie Sarcadoodle 

( thank you for leting me tag you) 


Toyhouse User: Izayoi_Sakura 

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1065076.eisangelia-myo-event-

Already joined the world and discord (Sakura #7612)^^

Tags: seraphiim Ryshium pastel_corpse (sorry for the tag if not interested)


Toyhouse User: CosmicLoveDemon

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1065077.specie-launch-eisangelia 

Extra: Joined World + Discord (♡CosmicLoveDemon♡#6043)

Astarriem ComradeGatekeepre ComradeHellkeepre (sorry for the ping owo)


Toyhouse User: Liicht

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1065085.eisangelia-launched

Please let us know if you joined the discord (must make intro so we can see your username); Yes, I am Licht (Unimportant#1999)

Tags: Diabolic-Bab LittleBlackRoses @ingidosky

Also already in the world ofc


Toyhouse User: tsunderek

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1065087.myo-event-

Joined the World: Yes

Tagging: pregowhales , retroolka , GabrieleTheMan (Sorry for the ping)