✦🪶 RevelriE | 1st Anniversary Event - CLOSED

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 1 year, 4 months ago) by starriewing

✦ RevelriE 1st Anniversary MYO Event ✦


✦ raptors | mineral bones | stars ✦

The story behind RevelriE began with the creation of the current world. When the gods were slain by a single figure, shards of their divinity fell into the oceans. Those who lived in the murky waters heard the fading gods’ cries and sacrificed themselves in order to preserve what remained of the gods’ powers. Creatures emerged from the darkness of the ocean floor, with the shimmering scales of marine life and the fragment of the dying god that grants them their powers. But their feathery soft wings revealed their true origin: a spirit that once belonged to the stars.

These were known collectively as RevelriE, children of the sky.


Ah- its been a year already, tysm for everyone who supported the species! As thanks we’ll be having an MYO event running all throughout January! You can claim a common myo and traits by entering with the form below!

Slots will be added to the tracker and tracked by a mod!

  • TH Username:
  • [ Everything below is optional ]
  • +1 Rare trait - Joined the TH World
  • +1 Rare trait - Join the Discord
  • +1 Special trait - make a bulletin sharing this post and link it
  • +1 raffle entry [chibi artwork from starriewing of your finished MYO] - What's your favorite dinosaur?

Slots won't expire and are tradable, but any traits gained are locked to the anniversary slot. There are also anniversary events in the discord right now for more prizes, SD, slots, and MYOs! To submit your MYO design, please click the "Submit MYO button below!".
MYO Guide TH World Discord Submit MYO


All slots have been logged! If you haven't heard back from me and are seeing this message, please lmk asap! ^o^//


PlasteredSmiles  strauberrio

You two are the chosen winners for the doodle (originally 1 winner but added another since we had so many entries in the event)! 

Please DM me your revelrie once you're done with it and I'll doodle a small drawing of them, thank you! (If you've finished your design already, no need to dm me- I'll send the doodle over once it's done!)
The doodle will be linked to the slot and is now marked in yellow on the tracker!




Thank you to everyone who participated, I look forward to seeing all the new dino bird designs u_u,,!


starriewing !!!!!! Ty for the opportunity!! I'll work on my Dino bab as soon as I can hehe <333


starriewing THANKYOU SO MUCH!!!! AAA!!! IM SO EXCITED ^.^


^o^// <3


User: Moonegalactica

Joined world

Will join server later


Favorite dinosaur: idk what its called but the little ones that have those little arms like MEEP 


moonegalactica hello! The myo event ended on the 31st of January, sorry. You're still free to stick around as we do have adopts and sales every so often, but the free myo event ended already, thank you for understanding!


@starrewing I understand :D I don’t mind, ill just wait a bit