Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 4 months ago) by Neumann RogueIdea


Welcome to the Neu Moon! Neumat Launch Event: Liftoff! (May 4th-May 25th)

Neumats are an anthropomorphic robotic species, inspired by self-replicating space machines known as von Neumann probes. Neumats are space-dwellers, originally built to lead centuries-long solo expeditions across the universe. However, thanks to a myserious universal update, they have since strayed from their original purpose, learning to communicate and work with each other. Thus, Neumats have entered a new chapter in their species history- the era of the Neu Machine!

Click the image to the left to visit the Neu Moon, and learn more about Neumatkind!

The Neumat Liftoff Event will last for four weeks, and celebrates the launch of Neumats with special goodies, including:

  • x2 FTE Neumat Design Raffles
  • x14 OTA Neumats
  • Free Neumat Upgrades
  • x16 FTE Neumite Giveaways
All deadlines, unless specified, end at 11:59PM CT for the listed date! Read below to learn how to participate!

Update (5/14): The following Neumat game mechanics are now available!

  • Purchasing Items
  • Submitting Art for Databits
  • Monthly Prompt
  • Draw the Neumat Above You (Discord Exclusive)

You can find information in the Neumonthly Prompt bulletin here!

Launch MYO Bonus: May 4th-May 25th

Your first basic Neumat MYO is always free!

By setting up your Data-Bank on the Inventory Updates Bulletin or through the Discord server, you automatically start off with a basic Neumat MYO, called a Synthesizer. This MYO will never expire, and allows you to get into the Neumat community right from the get-go!

The first MYO will always be free, even once this Launch event is over. However, you can get a few extra goodies through this Launch event, to further personalize your first Neumat! By filling out the forms below, you can get a free upgrade item called a Patch Note!

A Patch Note allows you to add an Open-Source Patch to your Neumat. These Patches function as trait-packs; by adding one to your Neumat, you can choose an open-source Patch from here, and use any number of traits that fit its theme and purpose! You do not have to use your Patch Note right away, though- you can wait for new Patch releases, and use your Patch Note to add it to a Neumat.

To earn this free Patch Note, set up your Data-Bank and post a bulletin about the species, linking to this thread! Then, fill out the form below. This form will also act as the ticket to enter the Neumat raffle, seen blow- if you are not interested in the raffle, you can put "N/A" or omit the Raffle Ticket portion altogether!

Patch Note Bonus

Inventory Name:

Bulletin Link:

Raffle Ticket: (Flower Power or Midnight Moon)

Extras: (Optional!)

Neumat Raffle: May 4th-May 25th
By claiming your Patch Note Bonus, you can be entered into a raffle for either Midnight Moon (Neumat 11) or Flower Power (Neumat 012), two Unpatched Neumats! You can only enter for one, so make sure to pick your favorite!

You can gain up to 4 extra entries (for your chosen Raffle Neumat only!) by doing the following:

  • Subscribing to RogueIdea, the species founder! (+1)
  • Tagging friends who might enjoy the species! (+1)
  • Favoriting the Neumascots, Neumann and M0d! (+1 per favorite)

These are all optional, and you do not have to do any extras to get your free Patch Note! Make sure that you list any extras you've done in the "Extras" section of the form! The raffle winners will be rolled once the Launch MYO Bonus ends, on May 25th.


Launch Designs: May 4th-May 11th
Update (5/12): 7 Neumats that did not recieve any offers from this batch are now up for a week-long raffle in the Discord, ending 5/19! If any catch your eye, be sure to check it out!

Discord-Exclusive Neumite Giveaways: May 4th-May 21st
Neumites are a type of Neupet- a companion species, invented by Neumatkind! Neupets are only able to be purchased for the Neumat currency known as Databits.

One Neumite will be given away each day, for 16 days! One Neumite will be added to the Discord's giveaway channel per day, and will be rolled by the end of the day!

Please note that you must have your Databank set up to recieve your prize, and you can only win one- if somebody wins two, the second will be re-rolled.

Neumat Bases
If you're having a little trouble doodling up your first Neumat, no worries! An extensive Neumat Base is now available, to help you design them!

Click the image below to go to the Official Neumat Bases profile, which contains two base formats, with white or transparent background options!



A new Unpatched Neumat OTA, Dovey Lovemail, can be found below!



Your Patch Note has been added to your inventory!


Inventory Name: cyan-ide

Bulletin Link: here



The Patch Note has been added to your inventory!


Inventory Name: ThatSpooder

Bulletin Link: link!

Raffle Ticket: Flower Power

Extras: Subbed to RogueIdea and faved Neumann and M0d! ^^


Your Patch Note has now been added to your Databank, and your raffle tickets have been recorded!


I am so late even though I was pinged on the first day hgfjskla

Inventory Name: boondogggle

Bulletin Link: boondogggle on Toyhouse

Raffle Ticket: Flower Power

Extras: subbed and faved both :)



Your Patch Note has now been added to your Databank, and your raffle tickets have been recorded!


Inventory Name: Keita_Kresses

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1289156.have-a-look-to-this-specie-nm

Raffle Ticket: N/A



The Patch Note has been added to your inventory!


The Neumat Liftoff Event is now over! Welcome, everybody, to the Neu Moon! The Patch Note bonus is now over- however, your FTO MYO is always free- all you need to do is set up your inventory!

 GA Applications for June are now open, until 5/31! You can find additional news on upcoming happenings for June on the News Bulletin!

There were a total of 31 raffle entries for the Midnight Moon Neumat, and 37 for the Flower Power Neumat!



Celest has won Midnight Moon, and ChanteRyuutai has won Flower Power! The Neumasterlist will be updated and the characters transferred over shortly!




:0 !!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!!