DIWAMATA interest check ✧ staff & GA apps closed!

Posted 11 months, 16 days ago (Edited 11 months, 10 days ago) by 134340zzz

UPDATE: Staff and GA apps closed, DMs to those accepted sent !



✧ interest check bulletin ✧

Diwamata is a closed-species by 134340zzz


!!!!!WELCOME !

To the DIWAMATA INTEREST CHECK, before getting into all of the nitty-gritties of it all, we’d like to introduce Diwamata’s concept & lore to get you a good grasp on how everything works in-world!

Please ensure that you are 17+ in age, as well as given our trigger warnings a read as listed as below.

  • Blood / Gore
  • Violence
  • Death
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Drugs


Diwamata(s) are a demonic angel species based on the filipino folklore of the manananggal and diwa concepted by 134340zzz, operated alongside pawfaiit & chuupew

A Diwamata is spawned either as a fallen angel of God or the corrupt creation of Erik - their job is to harvest souls to further their lifespan and eventually replace their mortal counterparts from the land of the living.

!!!!!DIWAMATA(S) COME IN . . .

Three (3) different rarities ! Standard, Blessed, & Hexed. Only Standard/Blessed MYOs can be distributed in-following the official launch.

Standard only includes the following traits:

Manananggal build - the upper body can detach from the lower body, often leaving a scar around the torso area.
Head wings - either feathered/angel or bat/devil wings.
Tails - either feathered/angel or bat/devil tails.
Halo (with an eye in the middle) - halos can transfigure into an accessory to hide their traits.
  • Headpiece halo
  • Tailpiece halo
  • Standard circular-shaped halo
  • Only guts/gore, bones, or sealed insides.
  • Legs - human or deer legs.
Blessed/Hexed comes in more variety and design opportunities such as: anthropomorphic features, more wings/halos, Diwamata-accurate form, and guts/gore variety; see the rest of the traits here.


We have conducted an interest check before the official launch due to us needing more staff on our team. Currently, we are a team of three people managing the 80% work done for Diwamata(s) as of late, now we are searching to expand our team to manage the toyhouse world & discord following the official launch.

We are looking for 3-4 people to join us in the moderation team, and 3 guest artists to make a themed adoptable-design for release on launch date, what are the qualifications?

Moderation Qualifications :
While you may submit an application even without any experience, having one of these qualifications may boost your chance of being accepted as these are traits the existing admins are currently struggling with in the existence of college & work life.

  • Experience/Understanding in code/html
  • Experience in running discord servers in the past
  • Experience with GDocs/GSheets
  • Experience in managing other closed/open-species in the past
  • Experience in conversing with people (team player/socialite)

Guest Artist Applications :
While there is no strict qualification when it comes to applying for a guest artist, for the launch as of current, we are planning on attributing to filipino culture where the closed species is originally inspired by so. . . knowing Filipino culture ( or other SEAsian cultures with a similar concept ), being very well-inverse in the concept of angels, the afterlife, and demons may boost your chance of being accepted as we want to showcase Diwamata traits in the best way possible interpreted by different artists with their culture.

  • Username:
  • Designs/Art: (provide compiled artworks in one link, preferably 3 designs minimum)
  • Where will you post your design? (X, instagram, discord, etc.)
  • Why do you want to be a Guest Artist for Diwamata(s)?


Interest Check will be up until further notice, applications for both will be closed on October 15, 2023 ( 11:59 pm GMT+8 ) for any questions or suggestions, feel free comment on the bulletin or join the discord to directly ask in our #🔮・questions channel.



i submitted a staff app but i forgot to add
Experience/Understanding in code/html - I can edit premade html very well
Experience in running discord servers in the past - yep! i have a few discord servers
Experience with GDocs/GSheets - i know how to use them, i just hate using them but will if needed
Experience in managing other closed/open-species in the past - yep! im owner of Watakuma, worked for Caroudolls, Phenomata, and a few others
Experience in conversing with people - Yep! im extremely talkative and active on discord


sounds interesting! not sure if youre taking pinglist requests but if you are I’d love to get pinged for updates / full launch ! ♥️


A1righty we'll take note of that!
Kavaplant BIGSHXT noting that down !!


DeadBF ty for the interest !! we have google forms for staff applications if you'd like to tab in your entry :DD


I'd like to be pinged for the full launch!! This looks really cool! definitely interested 💗💗 !!


hijyott thank you !! and will note on that :DD !


I would like to be pinged, the concept seems really cool OwO 


I turn 17 on the 26th of November what should I do? 


CosmicLoveDemon will note on that, thank you !! :DD

phantasmagoric i think it should be fine! we're planning launch before or on december at least, if not - you can just wait around for safety reasons on our hand!


As a Filipino, I’m super excited to see this species launch!!!


just put in an application! regardless of the result i'd love to be pinged when the species launches :D <3


piopuru thank you sm for the interest !! T_T

dreamsynopsis we got your application ! and of course - we'll keep that noted, thank you sm for the interest again! <333