Posted 4 months, 25 days ago (Edited 3 months, 25 days ago) by eggmage

Hello everyone!! It's officially the first anniversary of Tatsukoi as a species! We have a lot planned for this month! There are several prompts, raffles, GA openings, and even a MYO Event! dhbo1t5-e8ed53cd-5e82-433e-abab-ef7dbcf9

First and foremost, lets get into the MYO event and how you can enter!
By entering this event, you will recieve a Layer 4 MYO slot!

This slot CANNOT be traded. However it may be traded once designed.

To receive your MYO, please complete the following:

• Create a bulletin linking to this post!

• Join our Discord server!

• Comment with your bulletin and Discord username!

• (OPTIONAL) Tag 3 friends to gain one Enchantment or Curse trait for your MYO!

Once you have completed all of the above, me or a mod will respond to your comment with a link to your MYO slot!

The MYO event will last until May 31st at 11:59 CST.

For info on Tatsukoi anatomy, traits, and lore please refer to the corresponding sections on our Carrd!

Once you have finished your design, submit it here!


You can also use this base for your design, you are free to make edits! (Please credit me for the base!)


Here are our prompts for this month!
As I said before, these prompts will reward tickets instead of gold!

You can turn these tickets in the anniversary event shop, which can be found here!

In the anniversary event shop, you can turn in your tickets for items, MYOs, or entries for the following raffle designs!

Each prompt may have it's own requirements, but if they do not have anything specific listed, they will follow the following rules!

After the event ends, unspent tickets will be turned into gold!

>>All prompts should be turned in here!<<


☆ You may only submit one piece per prompt! (Unless specified otherwise)

☆ Your prompt entry must include at least one Tatsukoi and show at least half of the main character of the image.

☆ Backgrounds are encouraged but not required!

☆ The art must be colored and clean! (Lineart is not required, cleaned up sketches are ok!)

☆ Written works are allowed for some prompts! (If a prompt specifies that you can write for it, then you may submit a written prompt) 500 words minimum.

☆ If you do not own a Tatsukoi you may use any of the NPCs (All NPCs can be found under the NPC tab on the ML https://trello.com/b/SONll58G/tatsukoi-masterlist-treasury) or another person's Tatsukoi if they are fine with their Tatsukoi to be used for prompts!

You can find each prompt here! Click on the name of the prompt for info!

A huge party is being held in Blackpool, as it’s the city's anniversary!
With Blackpool being the largest city in the falls…
This party tends to draw in folks from all over the falls! There's food, fun, and beautiful decorations and art put up all over the city!

Draw your Tatsukoi partaking in the celebrations! This drawing should be a colored fullbody with a transparent background!
When the event is over, all submissions for this prompt will be put together on this background!


This prompt awards 3 tickets.

Design a cake based on your Tatsukoi!
You may draw it yourself, or use this base! Feel free to make any edits to the base!
Alternatively, you may also bake and decorate a real cake!
If you choose to do this, please include your username somewhere in the irl picture! (ex. Written on a piece of paper)

This prompt awards 1 ticket, unless you choose to bake a real cake, in which case you will receive 3 tickets!


What does your Tatsukoi wear to the celebration? Formal wear is encouraged, but not necessary! Just draw your Tatsukoi in their “best” outfit!

This prompt awards 2 tickets!

Redraw the first piece of art you drew of your tatsukoi, or continue a story from a previous prompt you've written!

This prompt awards 2 tickets!

Draw an illustration or write a story based on a song that you think relates to your Tatsukoi! Try to include a lyric of the song in some way!
Please include the song somewhere in the prompt form when you submit it.

This prompt awards 1 ticket!

Discord exclusive event!
Users will, as the title says, draw the Tatsukoi belonging to the user who posted above them!
The user will link one of their own Tatsukoi in their post.
Please refer to the Discord channel created for this prompt for info.

This prompt awards 1 ticket!


If you're interested in being a temporary Guest Artist, read on!
We are seeking up to 4 GAs to create a batch of adopts!

GAs will be able to create up to 4 adopts, as well as an optional raffle design! We will not take any cut of your profit!

GA applications will be open until May 10th. GAs will be chosen by the 13th! You will be contacted via Toyhouse DM if chosen. If chosen, you will have until June 20th to complete your designs!

Please read through the Tatsukoi Guest Artist T.O.S before applying!

You can apply to be a GA here!


I'm not going to lie, working on this species along with commissions, my shop, and with life in general has not been the easiest. But despite my occasional troubles, building this community and world has been such a fulfilling experience! Thanks to this community, I've been able to feel more comfortable expressing myself. I've always had a hard time sharing my ideas and writing to others, even those I'm close to. But by running this species, I've grown more comfortable sharing them!

I never expected so many folks to be truly and genuinely engaged in this world, so thank you all so so much! If not for you all, I couldn't have dedicated myself to creating this world. For as long as I can, I'll keep trying to make cool stuff for you to engage with! You are all so kind and I really could not ask for a better community!
I want to give a special thanks to my mods (both former and current!) for helping me along the way and giving me advice when I need it!

I'm going to work hard to make this year even better than the last, so please look forward to it!

Let's look forward to another year! 🎉


Tysm for the chance!!


discord user: ohhyerasimp


VenusFleur Thank you so much for participating! Here's your MYO Slot: https://trello.com/c/yWFKEVPg/281-0242


Ty for the opportunity!

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1878643.myo-event

Discord user: sharkbaitwhohaha 

Tagging: narumaki Piqopi_ BoopsKneecaps


BlueberryBoy Thank you so much for participating! Here's your MYO Slot: https://trello.com/c/TmK6hc6l/282-0243


Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1878778.cool-myo-event Discord user: Bunnyteef Tagging: Aprilme IodineX3 Nobody_Ever (for a Curse trait)


Oh, neat!

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1878818.yet-another-free-myo-ad
Discord user: waraeru_niisen
Pings: Kittycat0609 ALTOZECTER hijyott


Liege Thank you so much for participating! Here's your slot! https://trello.com/c/jew0uGxe/284-0245


MryStranger Thank you so much for participating! Here's your slot! https://trello.com/c/ydR1cQdn/285-0246


BunnyTeef Thank you so much for participating!! Here's your slot! https://trello.com/c/NNThYiXf/286-0247


PainterFight Thank you so much for participating! Here's your slot! https://trello.com/c/fEso9dXy/287-0248


I don't own one of these lovely creatures, may I still join the discord?


Megaria You may! Anyone is allowed to join :]