Bloblings (A Semi-Open Species & RP Creature!)

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 9 months ago) by Terrea

JX69P1N.pngThis is a blobling.
It may look plain, but that's by design: bloblings are mochi-like balls of imagination that can be sculpted into just about any creature you can imagine with some time and effort. And everybody's first one is entirely free!

They live in a world called Terrea, which is both the world name and the name of the site they're hosted on. Terrea is a write-to-grow fantasy RP.

You'll raise, play as, upgrade, and shape a mochi-like blobling into any creature your heart desires! Do you want to play a talking flower with a mischievous side? We support you. Do you want to play a wolf with a lion's mane? Cool. We can help you. Do you want to play a base blobling, but with a tuft of hair and stars all over its skin? Hell yeah.
These are just a few examples of the sorts of creatures that your blobling could grow into with a little time and effort.
Once you're happy with your blobling, you can start breeding it with other people's creatures to form strange and exciting hybrids.

Play through the rise of a new world after an apocalyptic-level event has forced a reset. Build the world from the ground up and engage in a rules-light role play that encourages creativity over crunch. Help decide what sorts of plants and animals will populate the planet. Worship the God of Death!

If this sounds interesting to you, we'd love to have you!

Bloblings are hosted and run primarily on a proboards forum. This is the link!
I know that forum role plays aren't everybody's cup of tea, though. <3 Thanks for taking a look regardless.


Terrea has had a strong first week, and we now have some player-made flora, pets and fauna. ^__^


Come and join in~. :3




o////o;; T-thank you.


This is such a neat idea! I'll have to look into it later :0


YEe i must join!


This sounds awesome, I have to check it out


This is such an amazing-looking species! I wish I was the OC RPing type, I'd be all over this. Best of luck!


I joined!!! Love this concept so much, I might actually screech