Draw immediately for the person above (15 minutes)

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 days, 1 hour ago) by ZeyTheFox

Like the immediate feature? I also have a Low effort version, a 30 min version, and 60 min version :)


Rule 1: When you claim someone, start drawing right away! You might as well ping them, since their art will be done so soon after claiming.

Rule 2: SPEND AT LEAST 15 MINUTES ON YOUR ART. Going over because you want to finish something is completely fine through!!! :) you don't want to leave something half done, after all. Just keep in mind the person who claims you may only put 15 minutes of work in theirs.

Rule 3: Whatever you can make in 15 minutes (or more, if you want to) is allowed, as long as it's original art. Sketches, doodles, fullbodies, headshots, digital, traditional, etc are all allowed.

      Rule 3.1 If you do draw traditional art, get a good, well lit, picture of it. You don't want it to be dark or blurry.

Rule 4: Wait three people between claiming [you] [x] [x] [x] [you]. If the thread is held up for more then 72 hours, you can claim regardless of when your last claim was.

Rule 5: Post at least three characters to choose from. We don't want the thread getting held up by one difficult character. 

Rule 6: Not a firm rule, but I appreciate when you link or show your art in some way. Just so there's proof of everyone playing fair.

Rule 7: Wait 2 pages between claiming the same person again. [Claim] [Can't] [Can't] [Claim].  If the thread is held up for more then 72 hours, you can claim regardless of when you last claimed someone.

  -  -  -

I run way too many threads to scroll through all the post anymore. I do however, read my PMs. So don't be shy about PMing me with any issues you see <3


Claim! Kill3r-Qu33n



Anyone from this folder/the subfolder in there is fine!

Edit: Aww thats adorable!!! ;w; thank you sm!

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Claim! Choose from Rizukii, her or him please!

Finished and sent!

Edit: Thanks! I love him so much!! <33333


This post has been removed.

https://toyhou.se/4204075.pippin feral

https://toyhou.se/7115639.cream-puff anthro

https://toyhou.se/5053583.b-ee human

https://sta.sh/015o30gxko44 done!


here's a 15-minute cream puff!


next poster- anyone in either folder is fine :)


Claim! Anyone in here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/mPikuM9qdsDfFNpV7

Finished! 💚


Stella churchyard


Would love something of my angel Stell!

Edit: I tried this character: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPjLoQLFndvzgQEk3b6CumLVYhXgNIB3YcP1bYaPEDuztw8qhaWjWTaSTxvHnLbZA/photo/AF1QipPK0a4UwqQ4U_RhjVx5UVhSPh161b2NonU_0j67?key=bG1lbHVxZS1QM2d3eWIydTRHTkVSVU5YeVU3SU1n


Edit 2- AH OMG I LUV IT TY!!

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momo cemetrygates

ic  or anyone in ic folder

edit: done!


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claim! i'd like clara, james, or val please ^ _ ^

edit - ok that took a bit longer than 15 minutes but i got Lost In The Sauce (the,, hair sauce. i love her hair. wheeee) anyway hope you like it, i do like a good star and space aesthetic! 



15874959887938812_-_2020-09-23T032639.64finished! <3 

would heavily prefer someone from THIS folder, but if not anyone here is fine!


claim! anyone in my character folders is fine ^__^ https://toyhou.se/Lambi/characters

AlmondGames finished!! almost 15 min exactly that was fun