Create a Song-Inspired Character for the Person...

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 9 months, 5 days ago) by Meowdle

Create a Song-Inspired Character for the Person Above You!

NEW RULE! Claims should be finished within two months of claiming. Otherwise, you risk being banned from the thread until you finish your claim. You can work out an extention by messaging the person that you claimed.

One of my favorite pasttimes is to shuffle my playlist and create characters based on the songs that play, and I thought that it would be fun to create a game out of it! If there's something already like this, just let me know and I'll close this thread :3

So basically, what you do is draw a character based on the song that the person above you posted, and you would also include a link to a song in your post which the person below you will use as inspiration to make you a character!

Here's an example:

Person A - Mechanical by Groundbreaking
                   I'd really like it if my character was an anthro of some kind!        
                   [insert character for above person]

Person B -
                   Please use this color palette -!
                   [insert character for above person]

Here's a few rules to make sure that things run smoothly -

  • You can say some general requests, such as requesting a species, gender, or a palette, but keep it vague. This thread is meant to use songs as inspiration, not to have other people make you completely custom characters
  • Make a claim before starting drawing - you don't want someone else to ninja you!
  • The characters that you give away must be completely new characters created by you
  • Don't attach stipulations onto the characters that you make - as in, don't say that the character has to have a certain name, be a certain gender, orientation, etc. Let the owner decide!
  • If the song you're posting contains vulgar language, make sure to put a warning saying so in your post
  • Don't post again until you're done with your previous claim
  • Get the designer's permission before selling/trading/gifting any characters that you get from here
  • Either edit your post to put in the character you've created or PM it, but make sure to edit your post saying that you have PMed it
  • These are for FREE, so don't ask for any kind of currency in return!
  • If you make a character for someone, the character belongs to the person who requested it (unless they decide to give it away)
  • Claims should be finished within two months of claiming. Otherwise, you risk being banned from the thread until you finish your claim. You can work out an extention by messaging the person that you claimed.

With that out of the away, let the character-creating begin! :D


If you see any of these people posting, skip them. If you see yourself on the ban list for an incomplete claim, you can get off of it by sending the owed design and sending me proof that you have sent it.

FroggieJuice - incomplete claim

StuffyVtuber - mentioned in this PSA for their problematic behavior


Ramona Falls - Russia
ATC - All around the World (Nightcore)
YUNG BAE & И△TVИ - Bae City Rollaz
i would like a feral or anthro, but if you can't draw one, make a human. no kemomimis, please.


Claim Lagoat DONE  Around the World Jacob Lee - Demons - Alec Benjamin - Boy in the Bubble  ( I don't think it has bad language , but putting a slight warning on here non the less ) 

I would like an anthro or human ( can be things that are human like too, like elves, demons, angels ect ^^ ) Male please ^^

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Somebody to Love ( i have a bit of a strong preference that the chara is POC ;;7;;)

Michael in the bathroom




claiming for somebody to love! (it's such a good song udbdjdjd)

i'd like a humanoid or kemonomimi based off one of these songs.

- pork soda by glass animals

- jenny by studio killers (preferably female)

- hyperdontia by ghost-p !! cursing and flashing images in video !!


Done!! I did a guy based on pork soda. Hope you like them!! @sirenmarrow


Without background:

- Mene - Brand New
- Infinitesimal - Mother Mother
- Hurry Hurry - Air Traffic Controller

Humanoid please!



Tom Hiddleston - Lovesick Blues

Only One - Kanye West (ft. Paul McCartney)

W.D.Y.W.F.M? - The Neighbourhood (warning for some swears)

Humanoid please! Male preferred but any gender is appreciated!


EDIT: PM'D N SENT!! O 7O )♡♡

Heck YEAH claim 

I prefer humanoid males but go crazy ♡

((Heck my bad! Hopefully they work now? ;0;))

Finally figured out how to copy links from the YouTube app OH BOY (cheek to cheek) (in love) (we'll meet again)

Removed despacito cause I dont wanna put anyone through that 


Claiming CARLO (But you'll have to fix the links because they don't work)

Done! I've based him on We'll Meet Again, hope you'll like this boy uvu


I'd love a humanoid male based on one of these songs:
Incense and Iron:
Cardinal Sin:
Blessed and Possessed:

Oh god he looks so good! I really like that design aaaa thank you <3


Claim ! Done ! 


I went with cardinal sin, I hope you like him ´ v `

Humanoid with supernatural/magical elements would be cool ´ v `

Monster Mash - Jonathan young
I Know Those Eyes / This Man Is Dead - the count of monte cristo musical
Upgrade - Be more chill



8/23/2018- Almost done just have to color. OTL


Human, anthro, feral all fine with me! Please no shorts,tube tops, or animal parts on humans!

Any of these three songs: 

(Some of the songs contain dark themes murder/abuse. Third one should be appropriate for everyone)

This is love- Air Traffic Controller

Horror of our love- Ludo

Blue Monday- Orgy




Any these songs

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