[Monthly] Create a song-based design! || Apr/2024

Posted 9 months, 6 days ago (Edited 2 months, 22 hours ago) by FlowerlyRat

Make a design based on this month's song!

Hello there! So I have got this idea to make a thread in which each month, I give a song for others to make a design based on! Now if this thread happens to have already been made, please tell me and I'll get rid of it and bump the other one :]

If you wish to be pinged when this thread updates, do tell me!

The basic rundown of this thread goes as follows:

Each month I'll update this thread with a new song, from that song, anyone can make a design based on it! It can take inspiration from the album cover, the lyrics of the song itself, the music video, etc.! Multiple designs can be made from the same songs, and anyone is free to make a design for past ones! It would be greatly appreciated to share your designs in this thread, as I love to see what different people come up with for the same song prompt :D
I'll try to have as many varied genres and artists possible!

There are some rules that need to be kept in mind when participating:

  • Please put your design in a spoiler toggle when posting it in the thread! Or if you create a character profile for it, please do not post IC, but share a link to it instead
  • Please do not look at others' designs if you plan on joining, this is to avoid getting other people's design copied! I do not want people to copy eachother! This is a design exercise!
  • If the music video or album cover already has an outfit or mascot, please do not just mindlessly copy it
  • If your design contains gore, nudity, or any other kind of NSFW, please warn others! And preferably, give the character a profile and mark it as mature to avoid minors looking at it!
  • In your post, I recommend adding which song you made the design from if there have been other songs before, so people know which one was used :3

You can however:

  • Trade, sale, gift your design[s], as one expect. Afterall you designed them!
  • Use older song prompts and post them on the thread, as I have mentioned earlier
  • Do multiple designs for the same songs, as I have mentioned earlier [please put all of them in one post to avoid spam]

I plan on participating whenever I can, so I'll be sure to add my own designs to the thread too if possible :3
I have also decided that I will leave a small comment for each design at the end of the month!

This month's song is:

Pitter-Patter - Vane ft. Enid and Hatsune Miku
[Song changes every first of the month at 1:00 PM CET]


how did you choose this song? genuinely curious


miniminaaa woops didnt see that sooner! But I'm mostly picking songs I know and think could be interesting to make a design based on! Either because of the vibes, lyrics, visuals, or just the melody of it in general. For Shut Eye specifically, it's because I think it could be interesting to base a design based on the video's visuals and lyrics :]


This is my take on the song prompt Shut Eye by Stealing Sheep!! sorry for the awful quality I'll be uploading her as a UFS soon ^^



HyuckieDuckie this design looks so cool :D


Sept Prompt- Shut Eye by Stealing Sheep

I adore how this chara came out and i need to find a name for him so i can upload him to TH XD
I based him slightly around the band name (Sheep makes me think of sleeping, sleeping lead me to stars LOL), and around how the song itself soundeed a little uncanny, so i wanted him to look a little odd (mostly in the face area and the eyes especially), red of course from the line "deadder than the red dead sea"- along with his skin tone, going for a bit more of a dead look with the pale purplish colour! The rest was really just vibes and things i enjoyed drawing, i hope you like him!!
And here is his TH link :D



Rosy_Isopodsy WOAA THIS LOOKS SO GOOD!!! I really love how you interpreted the "red dead sea" lyric a lot! Can't wait for him to be uploaded so I can leave a fav!


wAH TYYY!!! I'll link him once hes uploaded for ya!! and i'll link back to this post for the inspo :D Im so glad you like him it was so much fun! Im excited for october >:3

oops wrong comment LOL


I made this silly dude


It didn't turn out as good as I wanted it to but I still like them! I can't wait for October!! ^^ 

Edit: Sorry about that It was late at night for me and I guess I forgot to do that!


Jason_ oh my god you even animated it it's so good!! Tho please remember to put it in a spoiler! :3


eeey I love this idea! The song is super good. Here's mine! A li'l rushed since I wanted to get it done before month's end and I'm busy the next few days bahaha.

(Also one of the images is marked sensitive. I don't think anyone will actually be bothered since it's not graphic or anything but just to be safe.)


malaphur I absolutely love the design!


Rosy_Isopodsy Xenomorph_ Pinging the both of you since you seemed to be interested for the October song :]


Oct Prompt- 
Along Came A Spider - Czesław Śpiewa (Tesco Value)

compleeete >:3 this one was tough ngl, but it hink he came out pretty alright!
Also  finally added him to TH :3 https://toyhou.se/23924586.along



I think I'll join! :3

Edit: Nah, the song is too dark for me


Powgal haha fair, would you like to get pinged when it changes November 1st?