Quick delivery sketch chibis (OPEN and CHEAP)

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by ChosenUndeaad


Buy 4, get 1 for free!
If you order 5 fullbodies in the same order you will get the fifth one for free!

If you want to donate some money and get a very simple doodle in return, consider donating something to my ko-fi!
[Ko-Fi link]

Hello, I'm offering a special deal of chibis that will be done the same day you placed your order!
Once your order will be accepted I'll immediately start working on it, and will deliver your piece a few hours later max!

How does it work and how do I order?
Simply PM me or leave a comment, stating which type of chibi you'd be interested in purchasing.
I will PM you asking for your PayPal and send an invoice, once you'll pay I'll start working on your commissions.
I will deliver it as soon as I complete it, my estimated time would be around 1/2 hour or a day max, depending on how big your order is!

T.o.S. and rules
You'll find my T.o.S here.
PayPal only (for now), payment must be in Euro (€).
I'll take payment in advance since those are just sketches and will be done immediately.
You'll receive the full product, minor changes will be done for free, but major ones will require a fee.
Please be clear when ordering so I will be able to provide you with what you really want.

Prices and examples
Chibi headshot: 7€
Chibi fullbody: 15€

Couples are double the price.

I will draw
Anthros (both flat or non-flat muzzles)
Ferals (depending on the species I might decline)
Nudity (no NSFW)

I won't draw
Mechas (humanoid robots, cyborgs, and the likes are okay)
Complicated designs to a T (they will be simplified)
Anything I'm not comfortable with (I will let you know)


1. Open!




Completed commissions



Finished one comm!

Dominik plushielovemail

hello there, could i get a full body chibi of this boy here, please??


eeveepng sure! Could you note me your PayPal so I can send you an invoice? <3


Second commission done, there are unlimited slots btw <3


Third comm done <3


amberry sure! <3 what would you like to order?


Another commission done <33


Another comm done! :3c

Sand-on-the-Beach BandanaPirate

Hey there~

Could I get a headshot of this gal here? Your art is adorable and I need a new icon for her--


BandanaPirate sure! May you PM me your PayPal so I can send an invoice? :3


I completed another one! :D


bump <3 would love to reach enough money to get a Kindle so I'm able to read when I'm travelling (which is basically every day) <33


bump <3


bump <33