🎨 OPEN: $3+ colored icons and fullbodies 🎨

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 9 days, 16 hours ago) by berry_ribbon

Hello!! In the mood to doodle some of your characters in a chibi, scribbly style! 🎨 :D

**You can mix n match the fullbodies and icons to get a sketchpage!! :D

-ferals, humans, anthros are all ok ✅ 

- icon = $3, fullbody = $6 

-animations can be added from $2+

-payments through Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, Cashapp, KoFi, or Amazon/Target giftcards :3


Type of Comm + Number of Doodles: (ie. 2 fullbodies and 3 icons etc.)

Character (s) you want drawn:

Any animation: (if yes, specify)

Composition Arrangement (if applicable): ie. draw all icons separated or on one canvas etc.

Expression Requests (if any): 

**general art samples found below:

Art Example Folder!

Art Tab for More Artworks

Animated Examples (not all examples are here):


Static Examples (not all examples are here):







Thank you for stopping by and I hope to draw some of your OCs!


aesthetex_ aaa hi again, my apologies for the late reply back but I'd love to illustrate this for you!! :D

I noticed you'd pointed out a specific example that you'd like to have as well, and the price for a piece just like the example is $12 ($6 fullbody + 2x$3 icons)!

Please let me know if there's anything else you'd like to clarify or such! I'm so excited to illustrate Ichigo again for you!!



You got it!! I'll go ahead and send that over to you right now!! As for WIPs, I'll be sending them over to you via Discord like last time as well!

Thank you so much again!! :D


Type of comm + Number of doodles: Icon, One!

Character: https://toyhou.se/17209847.80-s-tiger-sona-

Animation: Stars !! :D

Composition: N/A

Expression: Happy! :D 

(I’ll be paying thru PayPal!)


axiomatrix Hello, thank you so much for your order and for posting on my thread for this comm!! I'm so excited to illustrate your OC for you! :D

If I may ask a quick question, for the star animations did you want them to sparkle around their head or have them flashing? :0 I'm cool with whatever idea you've got but I figured I'd ask to clarify first! :3

In terms of further communication, please let me know if you'd like to continue in DMs or here on the threads!

Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing back from you soon! 


berry_ribbon Sparkle please, And sure! I can dm!



Awesome, sounds good, and feel free to shoot me a DM whenever and I can get started asap for you!! :3

Thank you! 🌟 

 Deenan Callow Quimplethorpe orphidor

You did such a good job illustrating Deenan last time, I was wondering if you’d be down to do it again? 😊

Type of Comm + Number of Doodles: 2 headshots, 1 fullbody

Character (s) you want drawn: the Lizard Wizard (IC)

Any animation: for the fullbody, maybe holding a magical icy marble-sized orb floating above one hand with little snowflakes nearby, & a wiggle at the tip of the tail? And for one headshot (specified below) a head tilt? (Whether that’s 3 separate animation charges or 2, I’m cool with it!)

Composition Arrangement (if applicable): all on same page pls!

Expression Requests (if any): for one headshot, will you do a questioning face, maybe with a lil question mark nearby? <— This is one one I’d want animated. With the other, maybe a worried/concerned expression? And for the fullbody, a look of concentration would be great!

I’ll pay through PayPal! Simplification is a-ok. Thanks so much!!


orphidor Hello again!! Thank you so so much for your kind words and for commenting on this thread to place your order! I'm so excited to illustrate Deenan again for you!! :3 I also do apologize for the late reply qwq!!!

As for the general composition and all, everything sounds FANTASTIC!!! Deenan with his floaty magic iceball is just 👌!! Also in regards to the price/charges, it will turn out to be 3 separate animations which would make the total $6 + $3x2 + $2x3 = $18!

Lastly, for payment I know you'd said PayPal would work and I was going to ask, would you prefer to send the payment before or after the comm? I'm cool with either option as whatever is good for you is good for me!

Thank you so so much and I look forward to hearing back from you soon! Feel free to also either respond back here in threads or DMs as I don't mind owo!! 👍 🌟 


Oh yay, so glad to hear you like the ideas!! :3 I’ll be glad to pay in full up front!


orphidor Aaaa awesome, sounds great!! 

I'll go ahead and contact you over in DMs then to keep PayPal emails and such confidential then, so please look out for that! 

Thanks so much again! 


Type of Comm + Number of Doodles: 1 fullbody

Character (s) you want drawn: the Roblox avatar

I can take a better reference picture later if you'd like!

Any animation: none

Composition Arrangement (if applicable): none

Expression Requests (if any): since there is a mask I don't think an expression is needed!


Husky_y Hello!! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my thread for this comm!! :D 

I'm so excited to illustrate your avatar and the info you left for me in the form is perfect!! As a mini sidenote, because of the brush I use to do this comm, small details can be tricky to add in so simplification is likely to occur but I will do my best to get as much down for you! :D

Before I get started on the comm, if I may ask one quick question though, did you want them in a specific pose or anything? :0

A second question would be whether you'd like to pay before or after the comm! I'm cool with whichever so feel free to lmk which way you'd be most comfortable with!

Thank you again so much and I look forward to hearing back from you soon!


That's fine if you can't do all the details and any pose is fine! Also I can pay before if you'd prefer! I'll send a better ref soon since I feel like the one I gave is a little blurry!